March 2023

Read the issue.

a better u

March 2023

Shine as a better u...

Read more: Public health news: a better u

Cost of Living and Welcoming Places

March 2023

Top tips, advice and support to help with energy costs and more.

Read more: Public health news: Cost of living and Welcoming Places

Social Determinants of Health

March 2023

We're talking about the effect of social isolation and loneliness on our health.

Read more: Public health news: Age friendly communities

Age Friendly Communities

March 2023

Get the latest news on our Age Friendly journey with the Centre for Ageing Better.

Read more: Public health news: Age friendly communities

Junior Parkrun

March 2023

Have fun and get active with South Tyneside's first ever Junior Parkrun!

Read more: Public health news: Junior Parkrun

Energy Efficiency

March 2023

How can we increase our energy efficiency and reduce wastage?

Read more: Public health news: Climate Change - Energy Efficiency

Sexual Health Service

March 2023

Find out about the services available and how to access them.

Read more: Sexual Health Service

HPV Vaccination

March 2023

Protecting against HPV infection to help reduce the risk of cancer.

Read more: Public health news: HPV vaccination

Mental Health & Maternal Mental Health

March 2023

Look after your mental wellbeing throughout your life - including during & after pregnancy.

Read more: Public health news: HPV vaccination

Research Projects

March 2023

Find out more about research projects to improve health in South Tyneside.

Read more: Public health news: Research Projects


March 2023

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment identify current & future health & wellbeing needs.

Read more: Healthier Times Newsletter: Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNAA)