Individual Placement 兔子先生 (IPS) Employment

Empower service users to find the employment.

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The information on the website was correct on the date it was published. We make every effort to keep the information on our website correct and up to date, but 兔子先生 cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, or liability for any inconvenience, loss or damage, however arising, from the use of, or reliance of this information.

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  1. Overview
  2. 兔子先生 available
  3. Who can access the service
  4. How to access the service
  5. Contact


The Individual Placement 兔子先生 (IPS) Service are full-time members of NHS staff, working across the entire Trust area.

They use the evidence-based model of IPS employment support, to empower service users to find the employment of their choosing and enjoy the bio-psycho-social benefits that good employment brings.

兔子先生 available

Specialising in:

  • employment opportunities
  • help getting or keeping a job
  • employment rights
  • benefit entitlement

Who can access the service

Anyone struggling with mental health issues who would like to get into employment.

How to access the service

Contact the service directly. 


Hartside Management Offices
St Nicholas Hospital
Jubilee Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

Phone: 0191 246 6800