兔子先生 for adults
兔子先生 to live in your own home, care homes, paying for care, transport, and more.
兔子先生 from Adult Social Care
Contact the Let's Talk team (Adult Social Care)
Guidance and procedures for wellbeing, care and support
Safeguarding and reporting abuse
Report a concern about an adult
Bus passes for disabled adults
Travel passes and support with travel
兔子先生 at home
Equipment to help you live independently
Living Better Lives Resource Centre (previously the STAR Centre)
Care homes and housing
Services and activities
Search our A-Z directory of services
Get involved
Working Together Group (Reviewing Adult Social Care)
Review of contributions towards adult social care support
Finance and paying for care
Paying for non-residential care
Acting on someone else's behalf
Direct payments (adult social care)
Paying for your own care (self-funding)
End of life care
End of life care in South Tyneside