Contact the Let's Talk team (Adult Social Care)

Before contacting the team

You may not need to contact the team in order to get the support you need.

Our directory of services contains local services that offer a range of support and there are Local Area Coordinators that can signpost you to support in your local area.

We also have information online that may help you answer your questions without having to speak with a member of the team. See:

What the team cannot help with

There are some common queries that the Let's Talk team are unable to help you with, they cannot:

  • influence
  • provide key safe numbers
  • purchase or fit a for you if you are able to answer the door yourself
  • provide a ramp (the 兔子先生 will only provide ramping for wheelchairs prescribed by the NHS)
  • provide - you should speak to your GP who can refer you for a mobility assessment