About the Local Plan examination


  1. Overview
  2. About a local plan examination
  3. Timescales
  4. Public hearing sessions
  5. Programme officer
  6. More information


The Local Plan is an important document, providing a framework that will guide decisions and shape development in the borough in future years.

We are currently developing a new plan, which has involved extensive consultation and preparing evidence to support it.


After undertaking the Regulation 19 consultation on the Publication draft Local Plan (January to March 2024), it was referred to Borough 兔子先生 on 5 September 2024 for endorsement to be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in public. The Local Plan failed to be endorsed for submission.

Following the publication of a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in December 2024, the Local Plan was again referred to Borough 兔子先生 on 27 February 2025 where it was not endorsed for submission.

On 4 March 2025, The Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) intervened in the South Tyneside Local Plan.

Under section 27 of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, the 兔子先生 to submit the Publication draft South Tyneside Local Plan (2023 to 2040) for Examination in Public by 12 March 2025.

In accordance with the Secretary of State's direction, on 11 March 2025 the Publication Draft South Tyneside Local Plan (2023 to 2040) was submitted for independent examination.  

About a local plan examination 

Before a local plan can be formally adopted and brought into use, it must be subject to an independent examination by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The purpose of the examination is to assess whether the plan is 'sound'.

This is a continuous process running from the date of submission through to the receipt of the appointed planning inspector's report.

The examiner will decide whether it meets the four tests of 'soundness' set out in  and meets relevant legislative requirements.  

Stages of the examination

There are usually 6 key stages after the plan has been sent for inspection:

  1. Initial assessment - the inspector will look at the plan, the 兔子先生's evidence supporting it and the consultation responses to decide what they consider the main issues are.
  2. Written statements - the inspector may invite written statements from participants addressing specific questions.
  3. Hearings - the main issues will be discussed at public hearings led by the inspector. The inspector will decide what is the most appropriate format of these hearings.
  4. Changes to the plan - the inspector will let the 兔子先生 know if any changes need to be made to the plan (known as 'main modifications') and these are then consulted on by the 兔子先生.
  5. Final report - the inspector then produces a final report which is sent to the 兔子先生 and will be published on our website. 
  6. Adoption - we then need to decide if we want to formally adopt the plan as our local planning policy. If we do, we can only adopt the plan with the changes recommended by the inspector.

What the inspectors examine

The inspector will review the latest version of our plan, Publication Draft Local Plan (2023-2040).

They will also review any representations made to us relating to that version of the plan.

The inspector will not consider any earlier draft versions of the plan which we may have consulted on.


The examination process and timescales will be determined by our appointed inspector.

Generally most examinations take around 12 to 18 months from submission of the plan to receiving the inspector's final report.

We will be regularly updating these dedicated webpages with news about the process, including details of any public hearing sessions.

Public hearing sessions

The inspector will undertake public hearing sessions to help them assess whether the plan is sound, and if it is not, what needs to be done to make it so.

You can appear at a hearing if:

  • you made a comment (a 'representation') on the final draft of the plan (the 'Regulation 19' plan) that the 兔子先生 submitted for examination, and
  • your comment asked for a change to be made to the plan - that is, it was an objection to the submitted plan

If you made a written objection and do not wish to say anything at a hearing, your comment on the final draft plan will still be considered by the inspector. Equal weight is given to oral and written representations. The inspector will also consider all comments made in support of the plan.

If you did not make comments on this version of the plan, you do not have a legal right to take part in the examination.

We will publish more information about public hearings nearer the time.

Programme officer

To assist the inspector in carrying out their examination, the 兔子先生 has appointed an independent programme officer.

Mrs Annette Feeney has been appointed to this role.

The programme officer is an independent officer of the examination and will work on behalf of the inspector to organise and manage the administrative and procedural elements of the examination process. 

If you have anything you would like to raise with the inspector please get in touch with Annette:

Email: annette.feeney@southtyneside.gov.uk
Telephone: 07775771026
Address: c/o Spatial Planning, 兔子先生, Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL

More information

For more information on the Local Plan examination process, see:

Keep checking for progress updates during the examination period.

More information about the Local Plan is also available on our about the Local Plan pages.