Standing as a candidate at a local election

Completing the nomination paper

The nomination paper - Section 1

The Surname, Forename and Description details must be completed in full before any electors sign the nomination paper in Section 2.

Complete the 'Commonly Used' sections if you are commonly known by a name other than your actual name and want to use that instead.

Description to use if you are standing on behalf of a registered political party

The description should be the name of the party you are standing for, or a description they have registered with the Electoral Commission.

It must match the description stated on the certificate of authorisation issued by the party which is signed by the Nominating Officer or their deputy.

Please make sure you have checked with your regional office (where appropriate) and are using the correct party description before completing the nomination paper and getting any signatures.

Description to use if you're not standing on behalf of a registered political party

You must enter 'Independent' in the description, or leave the description blank.

The nomination paper - Section 2

Once Section 1 is completed in full, including the description, the nomination must be supported by 2 registered electors.

The supporters must be registered in the ward you are standing in and eligible to vote at local government elections. 

Each column must be completed for both supporters:

  • Signature - the person should sign their normal signature (as they would sign a cheque).
  • Name in capitals - ask the person to print their name.
    If someone is listed on the electoral register with their full birth name, for example, 'Mary Alice Smith' but goes by, and signs documents, using another name, such as 'Alice Smith', they should sign their name as normal (Alice Smith).
    We will ask you to confirm this is the same person when checking your nomination paper.
  • Polling district - the 2-digit code (for example AA) that can be found at the top of each page in the register of electors.
  • Elector number - the number to the left of the elector's name in the register of electors.

If you need to check that your supporters are registered and get their elector numbers to add to the nomination paper, you can call the Elections Office on 0191 424 7230.

You must make sure you are aware of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

You must make sure supporters are aware of what their personal data will be used for.

Candidate's home address - Part 1

You must complete Part 1 of the Home Address Form. On this form you need to give:

  • Your full name.
  • Your home address in full.
  • Address(es) that allow you to stand as a candidate (qualifying addresses). You can complete more than one. See who can stand for election.
  • The name and address of the person who witnesses your consent to nomination form.

Candidate's home address - Part 2

If you do not want your home address to be made public, you must complete and sign Part 2 of the form.

If Part 2 is completed, your home address will not appear on:

  • the statement of persons nominated
  • notice of poll
  • the ballot paper  

Instead, the name of the local authority area for your home address in will appear.

If you do not complete and sign Part 2, your home address will appear on the statement of persons nominated, notice of poll and the ballot papers.