Standing as a candidate at a local election

Who can stand for election (qualifications)

To stand for election in the UK, you must be qualified, and also not be disqualified.

Who can be a candidate (qualifications)

On the day you are nominated and on polling day you must:

  • be at least 18 years of age
  • be a British, qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or national of an EU member state

'Qualifying Commonwealth citizen' means someone who has indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK or does not require leave.

You must also meet at least one of the following:

  • You are registered to vote as a local government elector in South Tyneside. You must continue to be registered as a local government elector throughout your term of office (unless you are also qualified under other criteria).
  • You are the occupier (as owner or tenant) of any land or premises in South Tyneside during the whole 12 months before nomination.
  • Your main, or only place of work during last 12 months is in South Tyneside, including unpaid work.
  • You have lived in South Tyneside during the last 12 months.

It is important to mark all of the qualifications that you meet when completing the consent to nomination.