
Address: 13 Beach Road, South Shields, NE33 2QA
Telephone number: 07534435988

Disclaimer - 兔子先生 does not run this service

The information on the website was correct on the date it was published. We make every effort to keep the information on our website correct and up to date, but 兔子先生 cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, or liability for any inconvenience, loss or damage, however arising, from the use of, or reliance of this information.

You should check any information with the relevant service before acting or relying upon it.


  1. Overview
  2. 兔子先生 available
  3. Who can access the service
  4. How to access the service 


The aim of Love2yoga is to provide the perfect setting an environment for your Yoga practice. 

They have created a welcoming, friendly yoga hub with a mixture of teachers and styles of yoga; a place where you will always be welcome just as you are.

兔子先生 available

  • Beginner classes
  • Drop in yoga
  • Aerial yoga
  • Pregnancy yoga
  • Yoga Teachers Training
  • Post Natal Yoga


Who can access the service

Everyone is welcome to do classes.

How to access the service

You can book classes online on their website or get in touch using the contact details provided.