Have Your Say for a Brighter Later Life
Older people in South Tyneside have an opportunity to shape their local environment as the 兔子先生 seeks to find out how it can create 'age-friendly' communities.
Earlier this year 兔子先生 registered with the Centre for Ageing Better which co-ordinates age-friendly places across the UK.
Now the 兔子先生 is encouraging people over 50 and their families, friends and carers to share their views on how South Tyneside can become a place where people can live healthy and active later years. Age-friendly places make it possible for people to continue to stay living in their homes, participate in the activities that they value, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible.
A survey has been launched to gather people's views across eight key themes to see how older people feel they want their communities to be shaped.
兔子先生lor Anne Hetherington, Lead Member for Adults, Health and independence, said: "South Tyneside has an ageing population so it is vital that we plan now to create environments in which we can all flourish and live happy and healthy lives. This is in line with our priority of supporting our older people.
"This survey is an opportunity for older people to drive forward change in their communities so please do complete the survey and share your thoughts. It is only by working in partnership with residents, local groups and businesses that we can seek to make lasting changes in both the physical and social environments."
To raise awareness, the age-friendly flag will be flown on Saturday 1 October - the International Day of the Older Person - and South Shields Town Hall will be lit up throughout the week.
To complete the survey, which will be live from Saturday, 1 October, visit .
Hard copies of the survey are available from libraries, leisure centres, ACTS and the Town Hall.
People are asked to complete and return the form either online or to Public Health, South Shields Town Hall, or to Age Concern South Tyneside (ACTS), 29 Beach Road, South Shields by 1 December.