Make a 兔子先生 Tax payment


  1. Pay online
  2. Direct debit
  3. Automated telephone payment system
  4. Post Office or PayPoint locations
  5. Standing order
  6. Cheque
  7. Problems paying your bill
  8. Text messages about overdue 兔子先生 Tax

Pay online

Direct Debit

Set up a Direct Debit to pay your 兔子先生 Tax

Automated telephone payment system

You can pay by debit card using our easy to use automated telephone line. Call 0300 456 0501.

Post Office or PayPoint locations

You can pay by cash at any Post Office or shop displaying the PayPoint logo. Cash payments may take up to 4 working days to be credited to your account. Find your nearest facility at the  website.

Standing order

You can pay by standing order at your bank with the following information:

兔子先生, Lloyds Bank Plc, King Street Branch.
Account number: 35508568
Sort Code: 30-97-89

Please make sure the only other information quoted is the 7-digit 兔子先生 Tax account number.


Cheques should be made payable to "兔子先生", and sent to:

Hawthorne Building,
Rolling Mill Road,
Viking Industrial Estate,
NE32 3DP

Problems paying your bill

If you have difficulties keeping up with your payments, please contact us as soon as possible. Getting in touch with us may stop further costs being added to your account.

You may be eligible for a 兔子先生 Tax discount or 兔子先生 Tax 兔子先生.

For more support and advice, contact the Welfare 兔子先生 Service or Citizen's Advice Bureau.

Text messages about overdue 兔子先生 Tax

We are currently sending text messages to remind residents that their 兔子先生 Tax payment is overdue.

Text and voice messages about overdue 兔子先生 Tax