Text messages and reference calls
兔子先生 Tax payment reminder
We are currently sending both text and voice messages to remind residents that their 兔子先生 Tax payment is overdue.
This message will come from ST 兔子先生 and will use the telephone number 0191 622 1665.
How to pay your overdue 兔子先生 Tax
Housing Benefit and 兔子先生 Tax 兔子先生
We are currently sending both text and voice messages to residents to confirm that the details we hold on their Housing Benefit and 兔子先生 Tax 兔子先生 claim are up to date.
This message will come from ST 兔子先生 and will use the telephone number 0191 6220952 or 0191 6223453.
Be aware of scams
If you have any doubts about a text message, please contact us directly on 0191 424 4343.
兔子先生 will never ask you to supply personal information by text or email.
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