Key Decision Plan January - April 2013

This front sheet lists the key decisions planned to be taken by the 兔子先生 over the next four-month period.

Further details in relation to these decisions are contained in the separate sheets, which are attached to the front sheet.

Children, Adults and Families

January 2013

  • Holder House
  • Procurement of Community Short Break Services for Children with Disabilities
  • Elsdon Mews Award of Learning Disability Residential Care Contract
  • Day Opportunities
  • Fostering Service Statement of Purpose
  • Children's Homes Statement of Purpose
  • New Dementia Model

February 2013

  • Woodside Close Independent 兔子先生ing Living Scheme for Adults with a Learning Disability

March 2013

  • None

April 2013

  • Adoption Service Statement of Purpose

Business and Area Management

January 2013

  • 兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April-September 2012
  • 兔子先生 Tax Benefit Localisation

February 2013

  • 兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April - December 2012

March - April 2013

  • None

Economic Regeneration

January 2013

  • To approve the Award of the Construction Contract to implement Littlehaven Promenade and Seawall project
  • Bus Strategy Delivery Project
  • South Tyneside Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021
  • To approve the introduction of a Private Sector Leasing scheme in South Tyneside
  • Allocation Policy
  • Tenancy Strategy
  • South Tyneside Local Plan: Statement of Community involvement and Local Development Scheme
  • Appointment of Developer Trinity South

February - April 2013

  • None

Strategy and Performance

January - April 2013

  • None

Cllr Iain Malcolm (Leader of the 兔子先生) 4 December 2012

Adoption Service Statement of Purpose

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Allan West
  • Cllr Jim Foreman
  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Ed Malcolm

Type of decision


When will the decision be taken

24 April 2013

Purpose of the report

To approve the annual review of the Adoption Service's Statement of Purpose.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

Cabinet report and Statement of Purpose

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
Contact Officer: Jill McGregor, Head of Children and Families Social Care
Phone No: 0191 424 4740
Postal Address: Kelly House, Hebburn

Exempt - Woodside Close Independent 兔子先生ed Living Scheme for Adults with a Learning Disability

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Allan West
  • Cllr Jim Foreman
  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Ed Malcolm

Type of decision

Contract Award

When will the decision be taken

27 February 2013

Purpose of the report

To provide recommendations for Contract Award

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

N/A - Cabinet report only

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph ?? of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to ???)" and
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain.

Contact details for copies of documents

If Private state: The documents to be considered will be exempt from disclosure and consequently copies will not be made available to the public

Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
Contact Officer: Joanne Moore, Corporate Lead Officer: Commissioning;
Phone No: 0191 424 7610
Postal Address: 9 / 10 Charlotte Terrace, South Shields NE33 4NU

Holder House (to agree the future model of provision at Holder House)

Decision to be taken by 


  • 兔子先生lor Bell
  • 兔子先生lor Brady
  • 兔子先生lor Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Lewell
  • 兔子先生lor E Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor I Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Perry

Date key decision expected

27 February 2013

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

Consultation with Holder House steering group currently underway.

to make representations on this matter please contact

Democratic Services Section,
Town Hall and Civic Offices,
South Shields,
NE33 2RL

By no later than


Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Phone: 0191 424 7313
Fax: 0191 455 0208

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers

Related documents are available from Dawn Hill, Direct Service Manager, Adult Social Care, Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL

New Dementia Care Model (to agree the future model of dementia care provision following public consultation)

Decision to be taken by 


  • 兔子先生lor Bell
  • 兔子先生lor Brady
  • 兔子先生lor Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Lewell
  • 兔子先生lor E Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor I Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Perry

Date key decision expected

30 January 2012

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

Public consultation sessions ongoing.

to make representations on this matter please contact

Democratic Services Section,
Town Hall and Civic Offices,
South Shields,
NE33 2RL

By no later than


Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Phone: 0191 424 7313
Fax: 0191 455 0208

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers

Related documents are available from Jane Robinson, Head of Adult Social Care, Adult Social Care, Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Day Opportunities Consultation (to agree the future model of day opportunities provision following public consultation)

Decision to be taken by 


  • 兔子先生lor Bell
  • 兔子先生lor Brady
  • 兔子先生lor Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Lewell
  • 兔子先生lor E Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor I Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Perry

Date key decision expected

2 January 2012

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

Public consultation sessions carried out.

to make representations on this matter please contact

Democratic Services Section,
Town Hall and Civic Offices,
South Shields,
NE33 2RL

By no later than


Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Phone: 0191 424 7313
Fax: 0191 455 0208

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers

Related documents are available from Jane Robinson, Head of Adult Social Care, Adult Social Care, Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Fostering Service Statement of Purpose

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Allan West
  • Cllr Jim Foreman
  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Ed Malcolm

Type of decision


When will the decision be taken

02 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To approve the annual review of the Fostering Service's Statement of Purpose.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

Cabinet report and Statement of Purpose

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
Contact Officer: Jill McGregor, Head of Children and Families Social Care
Phone No: 0191 424 4740
Postal Address: Kelly House, Hebburn

Exempt - Elsdon Mews Award of Learning Disability Residential Care Contract

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Allan West
  • Cllr Jim Foreman
  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Ed Malcolm

Type of decision

Contract Award

When will the decision be taken

30 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To provide recommendations for Contract Award.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

N/A - Cabinet report only

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph ?? of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to ???)" and
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain.

Contact details for copies of documents

If Private state: The documents to be considered will be exempt from disclosure and consequently copies will not be made available to the public

Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
Contact Officer: Joanne Moore, Corporate Lead Officer: Commissioning;
Phone No: 0191 424 7610
Postal Address: 9 / 10 Charlotte Terrace, South Shields NE33 4NU

Procurement of Community Short Break Services for Children with Disabilities

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Allan West
  • Cllr Jim Foreman
  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Ed Malcolm

Type of decision

Contract Award

When will the decision be taken

30 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To provide recommendations for Contract Award.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

Cabinet report only

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

If Private state: N/A (public report)

Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
Contact Officer: Joanne Moore, Corporate Lead Officer: Commissioning;
Phone No: 0191 424 7610
Postal Address: 9 / 10 Charlotte Terrace, South Shields NE33 4NU

Children's Homes Statement of Purpose

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Allan West
  • Cllr Jim Foreman
  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Ed Malcolm

Type of decision


When will the decision be taken

2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To approve the annual review of the 兔子先生's Children's Homes' Statement of Purpose.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

Cabinet report and Statement of Purpose

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Children, Adults and Families
Contact Officer: Jill McGregor, Head of Children and Families Social Care
Phone No: 0191 424 4740
Postal Address: Kelly House, Hebburn

兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April to September 2012

Who is responsible for taking the decision


(Cllr Iain Malcolm, Cllr Alan Kerr, Cllr Joan Atkinson, Cllr Michael Clare, Cllr Tracey Dixon, Cllr Jim Foreman, Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck, Cllr Ed Malcolm, Cllr Alan West)

Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

Request approval for budget transfers, in line with the 兔子先生's financial regulations.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April to September along with appendices 1 - 4

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Business and Area Management
Contact Officer: Stuart Reid
Phone No: 0191 424 7765
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields

兔子先生 Tax Benefit Localisation

Who is responsible for taking the decision


Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

17 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To approve Local 兔子先生 tax support scheme.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

Report and Appendix with scheme

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Business and Area Management
Contact Officer: Stuart Reid
Phone No: 0191 424 7765
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields

兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April to December 2012

Who is responsible for taking the decision


(Cllr Iain Malcolm, Cllr Alan Kerr, Cllr Joan Atkinson, Cllr Michael Clare, Cllr Tracey Dixon, Cllr Jim Foreman, Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck, Cllr Ed Malcolm, Cllr Alan West)

Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

27 February 2013

Purpose of the report

Request approval for budget transfers, in line with the 兔子先生's financial regulations.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April to September along with appendices 1 - 4

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Business and Area Management
Contact Officer: Stuart Reid
Phone No: 0191 424 7765
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields

兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April to September 2012

Who is responsible for taking the decision


(Cllr Iain Malcolm, Cllr Alan Kerr, Cllr Joan Atkinson, Cllr Michael Clare, Cllr Tracey Dixon, Cllr Jim Foreman, Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck, Cllr Ed Malcolm, Cllr Alan West)

Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

Request approval for budget transfers, in line with the 兔子先生's financial regulations.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

兔子先生 Budget Monitoring Report April to September along with appendices 1 - 4

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the public

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Business and Area Management
Contact Officer: Stuart Reid
Phone No: 0191 424 7765
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields

South Tyneside Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Atkinson
  • Cllr Clare
  • Cllr Dixon
  • Cllr Foreman
  • Cllr Kerr
  • Cllr Lewell-Buick
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr West

Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To consider and endorse the 兔子先生's Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

A detailed report which will contain the proposed Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021 document for the 兔子先生. A number of supporting documents can be accessed via the Strategic Transport Service.

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph ?? of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to ???)" and
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain.

Contact details for copies of documents

Directorate: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Trevor Male
Phone No: 0191 424 7666
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE332RL

South Tyneside Local Plan: Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Scheme

Decision to be taken by 


  • 兔子先生lor I Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor A Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor M Clare
  • 兔子先生lor T Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor E Lewell-Buck
  • 兔子先生lor J Perry
  • 兔子先生lor E Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor J Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor B Brady

Date key decision expected

30 January 2013

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

No public consultation is required for preparing and approving the SCI or LDS

to make representations on this matter please contact


By no later than


Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to the Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall, South Shields

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers

All associated Government legislation, regulations and guidance are available on the internet

South Tyneside Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr A Kerr
  • Cllr J Foreman
  • Cllr J Atkinson
  • Cllr M Clare
  • Cllr T Dixon
  • Cllr E Lewell Buck
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr A West

Type of decision


When will the decision be taken

30 January 2013

Purpose of the report

The Localism Act 2011 introduced the requirement for all Local Housing Authorities to publish a Tenancy Strategy. This Strategy will set out the Local Authority's stance on the use of flexible and lifetime tenancies. Registered Providers must have regard to this strategy when formulating their policies in relation to the types and lengths of tenancies they will grant in various circumstances, and the circumstances in which they will grant a future tenancy.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

  • Cabinet Report
  • 兔子先生 Tenancy Strategy (Annex A)

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the Public

Contact details for copies of documents

Group: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Anne Connolly
Phone No: 424 7553
Postal Address: Strategic Housing, Level 3 Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Rd, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Allocations Policy

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr A Kerr
  • Cllr J Foreman
  • Cllr J Atkinson
  • Cllr M Clare
  • Cllr T Dixon
  • Cllr E Lewell Buck
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr A West

Type of decision


When will the decision be taken

30 January 2013

Purpose of the report

The 兔子先生's Allocations Policy has been revised to take into account the implications of the Localism Act 2011 and the new Code of Guidance for allocations issued in June 2012.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

  • Cabinet Report
  • 兔子先生 Allocations Policy

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Open to the Public

Contact details for copies of documents

Group: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Anne Connolly
Phone No: 424 7553
Postal Address: Strategic Housing, Level 3 Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Rd, South Shields, NE33 2RL

South Tyneside Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Atkinson
  • Cllr Clare
  • Cllr Dixon
  • Cllr Foreman
  • Cllr Kerr
  • Cllr Lewell Buck
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr A West

Type of decision

Key Decision

When will the decision be taken

2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To consider and endorse the 兔子先生's Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

A detailed report which will contain the proposed Integrated Transport Strategy 2012 - 2021 document for the 兔子先生.

A number of supporting documents can be accessed via the Strategic Transport Service.

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph ?? of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to ???)" and
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain.

Contact details for copies of documents

Group: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Trevor Male
Phone No: 0191 424 7666
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE332RL

Bus Strategy Delivery Project Report

Who is responsible for taking the decision

  • Cllr Atkinson
  • Cllr Clare
  • Cllr Dixon
  • Cllr Foreman
  • Cllr Kerr
  • Cllr Lewell Buck
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr A West

Type of decision

Key Decision

When will the decision be taken

30 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To consider and endorse the decision by the Tyne and Wear Integrated Transport Authority for the future operation of buses within Tyne and Wear.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

A detailed report will document the work that has been completed on the Bus Strategy Delivery Project for the future proofing of bus services within the Tyne and Wear region. Following this decision, a significant period of formal consultation will be completed by Nexus on behalf of the Tyne and Wear ITA.

A number of supporting documents can be accessed via the Strategic Transport Service.

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph ?? of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to ???)" and
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain.

Contact details for copies of documents

Group: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Trevor Male
Phone No: 0191 424 7666
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE332RL

To approve the introduction of a Private Sector Leasing Scheme in South Tyneside Private Sector Leasing Scheme

Who is responsible for taking the decision


  • Cllr Atkinson
  • Cllr Clare
  • Cllr Dixon
  • Cllr Foreman
  • Cllr Kerr
  • Cllr Lewell Buck
  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr A West

Type of decision

Key Decision

When will the decision be taken

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To approve the introduction of a Private Sector Leasing Scheme in South Tyneside.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

Not Applicable

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)


Contact details for copies of documents

Group: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Tony Hanson
Phone No: 0191 4247901
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 2RL

Appointment of a Private Delivery Partner - Regeneration of South Shields Town Centre

Who is responsible for taking the decision


  • Cllr Iain Malcolm
  • Cllr Alan Kerr
  • Cllr Joan Atkinson
  • Cllr Michael Clare
  • Cllr Tracey Dixon
  • Cllr James Foreman
  • Cllr Emma Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr Edward Malcolm
  • Cllr Allan West

Type of decision


When will the decision be taken

24 April 2013

Purpose of the report

To select a private delivery partner to work with the 兔子先生 to regenerate sites in South Shields Town Centre.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

  • Cabinet report
  • Summary of proposed Development Agreement and supporting legal documents

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to the financial or business affairs of a person including the 兔子先生)" and
  2. The report contains information about the business and financial affairs of the 兔子先生 and their selected delivery partner. The commercial sensitivity of the information is such that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Contact details for copies of documents

The documents to be considered will be exempt from disclosure and consequently copies will not be made available to the public

To approve the Award of the Construction Contract to implement Littlehaven Promenade and Seawall project Contract Appointment for Littlehaven Promenade and Seawall Project

Who is responsible for taking the decision


  • Cllr Atkinson
  • Cllr Clare
  • Cllr Dixon
  • Cllr Foreman
  • Cllr Kerr
  • Cllr Lewell-Buck
  • Cllr I Malcolm
  • Cllr E Malcolm
  • Cllr West

Type of decision

Key Decision (Exempt)

When will the decision be taken

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Purpose of the report

To approve the Award of the Construction Contract to implement Littlehaven Promenade and Seawall project.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

The Realignment of Littlehaven Promenade and Seawall - Cabinet Report - 11  July 2012, whilst there are also a number of supporting documents that can be accessed via the Environmental Protection Service.

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of the schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to the financial or business affairs of a person including the 兔子先生)" and
  2. The report contains information about the business and financial affairs of the 兔子先生 and their selected delivery partner. The commercial sensitivity of the information is such that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Contact details for copies of documents

If Private state: The documents to be considered will be exempt from disclosure and consequently copies will not be made available to the public

Directorate: Economic Regeneration
Contact Officer: Tony Hanson
Phone No: 0191 4247901
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 2RL