Key Decision Plan October 2012 - January 2013

This front sheet lists the key decisions planned to be taken by the 兔子先生 over the next four-month period.

Further details in relation to these decisions are contained in the separate sheets, which are attached to the front sheet.

Children, Adults and Families

October 2012

  • Day Opportunities Consultation
  • Contract Award Provision of Learning Disabilities Residential Care

November 2012

  • None

December 2012

  • None

January 2013

  • None

Business and Area Management 

October 2012

  • Localisation of 兔子先生 Tax 兔子先生
  • To consider the future Partnering and Financing Arrangements for Newcastle Airport
  • To consider and decide future arrangements for the Tyne and Wear Development Joint Committee and Companies

November 2012

  • None

December 2012

  • None

January 2013

  • None

Economic Regeneration

October 2012

  • Adoption of Supplementary Planning Doc 3 (SPD3) Green Infrastructure Strategy

November 2012

  • None

December 2012

  • None

January 2013

  • None

Strategy and Performance

October 2012 - January 2013

  • None

Cllr Iain Malcolm (Leader of the 兔子先生) 26 September 2012

Contract Award Provision of Learning Disabilities Residential Care

Decision to be taken by 


  • 兔子先生lor Bell
  • 兔子先生lor Brady
  • 兔子先生lor Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Lewell
  • 兔子先生lor E Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor I Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Perry

Date key decision expected

31 October 2012

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

Procurement procedures

To make representations on this matter please contact

Democratic Services Section,
Town Hall and Civic Offices,
South Shields,
NE33 2RL

By no later than


Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Tel: 0191 424 7313
Fax: 0191 455 0208

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers

Related documents are available from Joanne Moore, Strategic Commissioning Manager, Adult Social Care, Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Day Opportunities Consultation (to agree the future model of day opportunities provision following public consultation)

Decision to be taken by 


  • 兔子先生lor Bell
  • 兔子先生lor Brady
  • 兔子先生lor Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Lewell
  • 兔子先生lor E Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor I Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Perry

Date key decision expected

03 October 2012

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

Public consultation sessions currently underway

To make representations on this matter please contact

Democratic Services Section,
Town Hall and Civic Offices,
South Shields,
NE33 2RL

By no later than


Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Tel: 0191 424 7313
Fax: 0191 455 0208

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers

Related documents are available from Jane Robinson, Head of Adult Social Care, Adult Social Care, Town Hall, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Localisation of 兔子先生 Tax 兔子先生

Decision to be taken by 


Date key decision expected

31 October 2012

Proposed consultation and methods to be used


To make representations on this matter please contact

Stuart Reid, Head of Finance,
Town Hall and Civic Offices

Tel: 0191 424 7046

c/o Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

By no later than

17 October 2012

Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

Tel: 0191 424 7313
Fax: 0191 455 0208

Availability of Other relevant documents / background papers


Newcastle Airport

Who is responsible for taking the decision

The Cabinet:

  • 兔子先生lor Iain Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Alan Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Joan Atkinson
  • 兔子先生lor Michael Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Tracey Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor James Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Emma Lewell-Buck
  • 兔子先生lor Edward Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Alan West.

Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

At a special meeting of the Cabinet to be held on 24 October 2012 at 10.00am.

Purpose of the report

To consider and decide future partnering and financing arrangements for Newcastle Airport.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

A detailed report which will contain exempt information and so will not be made available to the public and such other documents as may be relevant to the decision as are required

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below.

  1. The report will contain "exempt" information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 ("Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)"; and 
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain.

Any representations regarding this should be made to the contact officer named below.

Contact details for copies of documents

The documents to be considered will be exempt from disclosure and consequently copies will not be made available to the public.

Contact Officer: Mike Harding, Head of Legal Services
Phone: 0191 424 7009
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields NE33 2RL

Tyne and Wear Development Joint Committee and Companies

Who is responsible for taking the decision

The Cabinet:

  • 兔子先生lor Iain Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Alan Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Joan Atkinson
  • 兔子先生lor Michael Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Tracey Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor James Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Emma Lewell-Buck
  • 兔子先生lor Edward Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Alan West.

Type of decision

Key decision

When will the decision be taken

During the period 24 October to 31 December 2012.

Purpose of the report

To consider and decide future arrangements for the Tyne and Wear Development Joint Committee and Companies.

Documents to be submitted to the decision maker

A detailed report which will contain exempt information, so will not be made available to the public and such other documents as may be relevant to the decision as are required.

Will the meeting be open to the public or private, and if private for what reason(s)

Private - the press and public will be excluded from the meeting because the meeting will be considering a report that contains exempt information, as detailed below. 

  1. It contains "exempt" information which falls within paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972; 1. information relating to any individual, 3. information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information), and 5. Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings
  2. In relation to the "exempt" information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure would adversely impact the authority's ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs.

Contact details for copies of documents

The documents to be considered will be exempt from disclosure and consequently copies will not be made available to the public.

Contact Officer: Paul McCann
Phone: 0191 424 6545
Postal Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields NE33 2RL

Adoption of Supplementary Planning Document 3 (SPD3) Green Infrastructure Strategy

Decision to be taken by

The Cabinet:

  • 兔子先生lor Iain Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Alan Kerr
  • 兔子先生lor Joan Atkinson
  • 兔子先生lor Michael Clare
  • 兔子先生lor Tracey Dixon
  • 兔子先生lor James Foreman
  • 兔子先生lor Emma Lewell-Buck
  • 兔子先生lor Edward Malcolm
  • 兔子先生lor Alan West.

Date key decision expected

Cabinet: 31 October 2012

Proposed consultation and methods to be used

Formal public consultation on the draft Supplementary Planning Document took place 16 March - 13 April 2012 in accordance with legal planning regulations. A public workshop event also took place in Autumn 2011 to help inform the draft SPD. Representations and other responses received to the consultation have been considered and consequential amendments made to the SPD as appropriate. The final version of the SPD now needs to be formally adopted by Cabinet.

to make representations on this matter please contact

George Mansbridge Town Hall and Civic Offices

c/o Democratic Services Section, Town Hall and Civic Offices, South Shields, NE33 2RL

By no later than

N/A (consultation has already taken place)

Availability of report submitted to decision taker

The report to the Cabinet will be available 5 clear working days before the meeting from Democratic Services Section, Town Hall, South Shields

c/o Ann Best, Democratic Services Section, Town Hall, South Shields NE32 2RL