Freedom of information
Publication scheme
Section 19 of the Act requires all public authorities to proactively make their information routinely available to the public by adopting and maintaining a Publication Scheme.
A Publication Scheme is a guide to the 兔子先生's information. Its purpose is to:
- Specify whether information described in the scheme is publicly available for instance via the 兔子先生's website or whether copies will be supplied on request in writing.
- If the information provided under the scheme will be provided free of charge or at a cost described in the scheme or advised accordingly.
- The format in which the information is available e.g print, tape, video etc.
Finding the information in the 兔子先生's Publication Scheme
The 兔子先生's Publication Scheme contains seven classes of information.
For more information see, publication scheme.
If the information isn't available in the Publication Scheme
If the information you need is not available in the 兔子先生's Publication Scheme then a written request will need to be made (emails and faxes included).
Before submitting a FOI request it is suggested you consult the exemption table to determine if your request falls within the exemptions of the FOI Act.
If it does the information you require is likely to not be eligible for release.
If another public body holds the information we have a duty to immediately transfer the request to the appropriate public body and to advise you accordingly.