Data protection

Making a request

Who can make a data protection request

Any person, regardless of their age can request information about themselves in writing so long as it is supported with:

  • appropriate photo identification, e.g. passport, driving license
  • proof of address
  • appropriate fee
  • appropriate consents
  • and they have the capacity to understand the information provided

Children can apply for access to their own records provided they are capable of understanding the nature of the request and the information content disclosed.

Typically children over 13 are considered old enough to make their own request, depending on their capacity and maturity.

Arranging for someone to make a data protection request on your behalf

A friend, relative or solicitor may request information on your behalf but they must have obtained written authorisation from you to do this.


There is no charge for data protection requests.

Information you will receive after a request is made

Generally you will be given a copy of the records we hold on you.

This may be in a form of a computer printout or a photocopy of manual records.

Third party information will be redacted (removed with a black mark covering the text).

Requesting a different format

You may request that the information is supplied in a particular format. There may be an additional cost for this.

It may be possible to supply the information in braille, audio format, large type, or another language but you must clearly state this in your request.