Memorial benches


  1. Overview
  2. Choosing a location
  3. Prices
  4. Apply for a memorial bench
  5. Using the memorial bench
  6. Maintaining the bench
  7. Contact us


We understand how difficult it is losing someone close to you. Some people may wish to remember loved ones by placing a memorial bench.

New memorial benches can be placed in some of our green spaces, parks and seafront areas. Alternatively, where appropriate, you can add a memorial plaque to an existing bench.

Please note that there are no existing benches available at South Shields seafront, including in any of the parks in that area.

Wording for plaque

Plaque wordings can be a maximum of 7 lines with 40 characters per line; this includes commas and spaces etc.

Below is a template you can complete to help you with the wording for the plaque.

Memorial bench plaque wording template

Choosing a location for your memorial bench

Let us know which green space, park or seafront area you would like the bench to be placed. 

We will then work with you to decide the most suitable location for the bench.


The cost to supply and install a wood / metal bench and plaque is 拢1,200 including VAT.

The cost to add a plaque to an existing bench is 拢200 including VAT.

Apply for a memorial bench

To apply for a memorial bench, complete the online application form.

Apply for a memorial bench

View the privacy notice.

View the terms and conditions.

After you've applied for a memorial bench

Once you have applied, we will review your request and get in touch with you to:

  • confirm the wording on the plaque
  • arrange payment
  • discuss the location

If your chosen location has not been approved, we will suggest a different location for your bench.

We will let you know when the bench and / or plaque has been installed. This can take up to 16 weeks.

Please note: the design and costs can change without notice.

Using the memorial bench

Anyone can sit on the bench.

If you want to place flowers or mementos on the seat, we ask that these don't prevent the use of the bench.

Please remove old and decaying flowers or mementos from the bench when appropriate.

Maintaining the bench

The benches are made from hardwood, so they do not require any treatment after installation. Please do not varnish, wax, paint or treat the bench, so that it remains the same as other memorial benches.

During the lifetime of the bench, we do not commit to carry out regular painting or maintenance. 

Due to the location of the benches, especially those on the coast, it is possible that they may become damaged over time. If the bench deteriorates or becomes damaged beyond reasonable repair, we are under no commitment to repair or replace it.

It is possible that the areas where the benches are placed will be redesigned or refurbished in the future. We cannot guarantee that it will not be moved or completely removed.

We are not responsible for the cost of any replacement.

Contact us

For more information please contact