About the Local Plan


We are currently developing a new Local Plan for South Tyneside.

This is an important document as it will set out how we will meet the area's future social, economic and environmental needs.

It will be used to assess development proposals. 

Update on the draft Local Plan

The Publication draft South Tyneside Local Plan (2024) was not endorsed for submission to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public by Borough 兔子先生 on 5 September 2024.

Following the publication of a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in December 2024, it is intended to reconsider the Local Plan at Borough 兔子先生 on 27 February 2025, in accordance with the NPPF transitional arrangements for plan-making.

Further information can be found at: Committee meeting details.

These pages explain more about what our emerging Local Plan is and provides answers to some of the key questions you may have.

You can read the draft Local Plan and evidence documents at Local Plan documents, assessments and evidence.

Consultation on the Regulation 19 draft Local Plan (2024)

We carried out consultation on the draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) between Monday 15 January and Sunday 3 March 2024.

This consultation represented the final stage before the South Tyneside Local Plan, its accompanying evidence, and all submitted comments are sent to a government planning inspector for independent examination.

As part of the draft Local Plan consultation, we also carried out consultation on a scoping report for a new supplementary planning document covering the Fellgate Sustainable Growth Area. Comments received will help shape this future document.