About the Local Plan

Housing development

At least 309 new homes will be needed each year in South Tyneside. 

This number is based on:

  • how the population is expected to grow
  • how the number of households is expected to grow
  • how jobs are expected to grow
  • if there has previously been a lack of new housing
  • if more homes are needed in certain areas, because average house prices are not affordable for people who are on an average wage

How housing targets are calculated

To determine the minimum number of homes that are needed we've carried out a local housing need assessment.

This is based on a standard calculation method which is set by government.

Using this calculation, the local housing needs assessment has concluded that 309 dwellings per year are required during the life of the plan.

Types of housing

We also need to make sure we have a mix of new housing built in South Tyneside.

This will be a challenge, but we need to make sure new development includes homes that are:

  • accessible and adaptable to meet the needs of our ageing population and those with a disability
  • affordable, particularly for young people and local families

The Local Plan sets out policies that aim to achieve this.

For example, we want to help young people and local families stay in the borough. Developers will now have to set aside homes in their plans that are both affordable and suitable.