
If your benefit is wrong

If you think your benefit is wrong, you can contact the office by telephone, write to us or call into customer services.

  • You can ask us to explain the reasons for the decision
  • If you want more information to help you decide what to do, you can ask us for a written statement of reasons for the decision if we have not already sent you one

You ask for a written statement of reasons within one month of the date of the decision letter, not the date you contact the office.

We will send the written statement of reasons to you as soon as possible.

If you still disagree with the decision, you can:

  • Ask us to look at our decision again, or
  • Appeal against the decision

If you asked for a written statement of reasons the one month time limit which you have to ask us to look at your claim again or to appeal against a decision will be extended by the time we took to send the written statement of reasons.