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Our Living Better Lives directory of services below lists local, regional and national organisations that can offer information and advice, support, care and social activities for adults.
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A Future You connects people, activities and services you may need moving into a new phase of your life.
29 Beach Road
South Shields
NE33 2QU
- Contact number: 0800 996 1864
Help, support and information for people with ME/CFS, their carers, families and other interested parties.
42 Temple Street
BS31 1EH
- Contact number: 0117 927 9551
兔子先生 for people with hearing loss and tinnitus.
Provision of Specialist social workers offering support and advice direct line.
- Contact number: 0191 424 4335
兔子先生 and advice on alcohol addiction.
Helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help adults and young people in the UK beat their eating disorders.
Blesma, The Limbless Veterans helps all serving and ex-Service men and women who have lost limbs, or lost the use of limbs or eyes, to rebuild their lives by providing rehabilitation activities and welfare support.
- Contact number: 020 8590 1124
The British Heart Foundation support people living with heart disease.
Compton House
2300 The Crescent
Birmingham Business Park
B37 7YE
West Midlands
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0300 330 3311
兔子先生ing and empowering people living with post polio syndrome.
Helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child.
Child Death Helpline London
Barclay House
37 Queen Square
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0800 282 986 / 0808 800 6019 (mobile)
Deafblind UK is a national charity that currently provides contracted care and support services each month to people who are deafblind.
19 Rainbow Court
Paston Ridings
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0800 132320 Text: 07903572885 Text relay: 18001 then 0800 132320
Dementia UK is a leading national charity dedicated to supporting people with dementia, their families and carers.
7th Floor
One Aldgate
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0800 888 6678
兔子先生 services for people with diabetes.
Different Strokes is run by younger stroke survivors for younger stroke survivors.
FRANK is the national drugs information and advice service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Galop provides emotional and practical support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people experiencing domestic abuse.
- Contact number: 0800 999 5428
Advice and support for anyone affected by gambling harms.
- Contact number: 0808 808 8141
Providing older people and their family with clear, free and impartial advice on the issues that matter.
A confidential and untraceable helpline service, which supports Jewish women and their children who are sufferers of domestic violence.
- Contact number: 0800 591 203
The leading UK charity for people with limb loss.
A national helpline for men who have who have been raped, assaulted or abused in childhood or adult life.
- Contact number: 0808 808 4321
Macmillan is the national charity supporting people diagnosed with or affected by cancer.
Macmillan Cancer 兔子先生 Head office
89 Albert Embankment
- Contact number: 0808 808 0000
The ManKind Initiative is a charity offering information and support to men who are victims of domestic abuse or violence.
- Contact number: 01823 334 244
Provides practical advice and support to men who have been abused.
- Contact number: 0333 567 0556
Mind aims to help you live the best life you can, whatever challenges you face.
Wellbeing Centre
Dunsmuir Grove
- Contact number: 0191 477 4545
Information and support for people who have Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
PO Box 246
- Contact number: 0808 802 6262 / Fax: 0160 462 4726
Advice, information and social activities for people who have multiple sclerosis.
Advice and guidance for elderly and vulnerable adults about care services.
- Contact number: 0800 731 8470
OCD Action works for a society where OCD is better understood and diagnosed quickly, where appropriate treatment options are open and accessible, where support and information is readily available and where nobody feels ashamed to ask for help.
- Contact number: 0191 226 8776