How to vote

Ask someone else to vote on your behalf (proxy vote)

If you're unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote.

You and your proxy must be registered to vote.

The easiest way to apply to vote by proxy for a single election or referendum is to apply online:

You will need:

  • to ask your proxy's permission before you apply
  • your National Insurance number or any other identity document, for example a birth certificate
  • the address where your proxy is registered to vote
  • contact details for your proxy

You'll also need to upload a photo of your handwritten signature in black ink on plain white paper.

If you cannot provide a signature or one that always looks the same, you may be able to apply for a proxy vote signature waiver within the service.

To be a proxy, a person must be:

  • 18 or over
  • registered (or will be registered) to vote in the type of election they are appointed for

A proxy can cast the proxy vote either in person at the polling station or by post (a postal proxy).

A person cannot be a proxy for more than two people who are residents in the UK at any one election.

Other ways to apply

If you cannot apply online, you can download and complete the application form to vote by proxy (single election or referendum).

You will need to return your application form to the Elections Office by either:

Your proxy must show their photo ID in the polling station to be able to be given your ballot paper. For more information, see voter ID.