Rate reliefs and exemptions

Unoccupied properties

If a business property is unoccupied, full business rates are usually still charged. These are waived for the first three months after a property becomes empty. For certain industrial properties, this is extended to six months. After this period, the 'person entitled to possession' becomes liable for the full charge.

There are a number of exemptions, including: 

  • Listed buildings
  • Properties with a rateable value of less than 拢2,900
  • Properties owned by a charity and when next in use will be occupied by a charity

Partly unoccupied properties:

A ratepayer is liable for the full non-domestic rate whether a property is wholly occupied or only partly occupied. Where a property is only partly occupied for a short time, we have the discretion in certain cases to award relief in respect of the unoccupied part.

What you need to do

Ratepayers must notify the council immediately when a property becomes vacant.