Tell us about an event you are organising / enquire about using 兔子先生 land for an event


  1. Events on 兔子先生 land
  2. Events on private land
  3. When to tell us
  4. What you need to submit
  5. Submit your forms and documentation
  6. What happens next

Events on 兔子先生 land

If you would like to arrange an event on 兔子先生 land (eg parks, open space, South Shields' amphitheatre), it is essential that you tell us about the event and where you would like it to be held. 

We will check that the venue is available and suitable for your event, and review your safety plans - this is important as we have a duty of care to people who use our facilities.

Once you have submitted the event notification form, we will let you know whether the land is available as soon as possible, and will discuss any costs with you.

Events on private land

If you are arranging an event on private land, telling us about the event means that the 兔子先生 Advisory Group (兔子先生, Police, Fire, Ambulance etc) can review your event plans and offer advice and guidance.

When to tell us 

Ideally, give three months' notice for smaller events, and six months' notice for larger events.

This gives us enough time to provide a comprehensive response.

What you need to submit

Initially, submit the Event Notification form.

For events on 兔子先生 land please read the conditions of hire  before submitting your form.

If the 兔子先生 Advisory Group considers your event to be a larger or higher risk event, they may request that you submit a full Event 兔子先生 Plan.

All events should be insured, for events on 兔子先生 land we will need to see your insurance documentation.

Submit your forms and documentation

Send your forms and documentation to:

What happens next

Once you have submitted your forms and documentation:

  1. If your event is taking place on 兔子先生 land, we will check that the venue is available and suitable for your event. We will let you know whether the land is available as soon as possible, and will discuss any costs with you.
  2. We will check if we have enough information from you. If needed, we will ask you to provide more information. This may include submitting a full Event 兔子先生 Plan.
  3. We will circulate your event information to the 兔子先生 Advisory Group. It takes 10 working days for the 兔子先生 Advisory Group to respond.
  4. If there are no issues, we will contact you to let you know.
  5. If there are issues, we will contact you to request that you update your documentation or provide more information. Once you have done this, we will share this with the 兔子先生 Advisory Group.
  6. If the issues are resolved, we will contact you to let you know.
  7. If there are still issues, we will contact you again to try to resolve these.
  8. If the issues are still not resolved after this, the event will be discussed at a formal 兔子先生 Advisory Group meeting. You may be invited to attend this meeting.
  9. If the issues are resolved at the formal meeting, we will contact you to let you know.
  10. If there are still issues after the formal meeting, you will not be able to continue with the event if it is on 兔子先生 land. If it is on private land, you continue at your own risk.