Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria

Information on Police funding and a statement from the Crime Commissioner.

In total 兔子先生 Tax payers in South Tyneside will contribute 拢7.138m towards the running costs of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria in 2024 / 25.

This is equivalent to 拢181.84 per Band D 兔子先生 Tax payer, which is a 7.70% increase from the previous year.

This increase was ratified by the Police and Crime Panel on 6 February 2024.

Funding for Northumbria Police

Last year (2023 / 24)

Funding for Northumbria Police

This year (2024 / 25)

Net expenditure (拢m)


Gross expenditure (拢m)

Gross income (拢m)


Police General












Total budget requirement







Formula Grant




Special Pensions Grant




Localised 兔子先生 Tax 兔子先生 Grants/兔子先生 Tax Freeze Grant/Other Grants




Constituted Authorities Net Surplus




Net budget requirement



Explanatory note

Change in Net Budget Requirement between years is attributable to (拢m):

  • Budget savings: -8.5
  • Increase in Government Funding: -23.6
  • Inflation and other changes: 38.9
  • Change in 兔子先生 Tax Deficit: -0.4

Message from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria

In considering the right precept for 2024/25 I was mindful that Northumbria Police has the lowest precept in the country and is as a result very reliant upon central government funding, over which I have no control.

Northumbria Police is committed to fighting crime but does so against a backdrop of increasing financial pressures. As Police and Crime Commissioner it is my job to set the budget for the force on behalf of our communities and ensure police officers and staff have what they need to keep us safe.

I firmly believe Government should step-up and fully fund our police force. The Home Office has repeatedly turned down these requests and wants the cost of policing passed to local residents.

People in the North East repeatedly tell me they want more police officers out on the streets and over the last four years I have delivered on that. I want to continue to invest in frontline policing and have plans for more investigators, expanding our specialist motorbike ASB units, and following trials I'd like to review all stations and look to reopen some of those that were closed under Government austerity.

To deliver this, we need more funding.

To address the challenges facing Northumbria Police I have approved an increase of 108p per month for a Band D property. For the majority of households in Northumbria, those in a Band A property, the increase is 72p per month.

The increase in the precept will provide over 拢5m in extra funds for 2024/25 which will help deliver on those further investment plans for frontline policing and provide essential funding to deliver the Police and Crime Plan.

The Band D council tax precept for Northumbria will increase from 拢168.84 to 拢181.84 for the year. This remains, by far, the lowest precept of any Police and Crime Commissioner in England and Wales. 

You can find more information on the OPCC website: .