Intelligence Update - January 2025

This page covers local intelligence releases of note in January 2025.

Severe Mental Illness Profile

Several indicators in were updated with data for 2021 to 2023.

  • In South Tyneside was 164.9 per 100,000. This is significantly higher than the national rate of 110.8 per 100,000.
  • The was 447.9% in South Tyneside. This is significantly higher than the national rate of 383.7%
    • This indicator is expressed as a percentage where adults with SMI can be considered to have a higher or lower risk of premature mortality compared to those without SMI.
    •  This means in South Tyneside you are nearly 4 and half times as likely to die under aged 75 if you have a SMI compared to those without
  • In South Tyneside is 31.1 per 100,000. This is significantly higher than the national rate of 20.5 per 100,000.

Palliative and End of Life Care Profile

includes updates to the following indicators:

  1. Percentage of deaths by place (hospital, home, care home, hospice, and other places)
  2. Percentage of deaths in care homes who were temporary care home residents.

These indicators were both updated with new data for 2023:

  • The percentage of was 46.4% for all ages. This is significantly higher than the national percentage of 42.8%.
  • The percentage of was 30% for all ages. This is statistically similar to the national percentage of 28.4%.
  • The percentage of was 21 % for all ages. This is the same as the national percentage.
  • The percentage of was 0.6% for all ages. This is significantly lower than the national percentage of 5.2%.
  • The percentage of was 2% for all ages. This is statistically similar to the national percentage of 2.6%.
  • The percentage of for all ages in South Tyneside was 42.5%. This is statistically similar to the national percentage of 41.3%.

Smoking at time of delivery quarterly release

shows the latest data for women smoking at time of delivery for Q2 2024 to 2025.

  • In South Tyneside the percentage of mothers known to be smokers at time of delivery was 10.4%. This is statistically significant difference to the national percentage of 5.6% this quarter.
  • However, the latest quarter is not significantly difference to Q1 (6.3%). As we have low numbers of women are recorded as smoking at time of delivery each period (from 15 to 35) we would expect some natural variation.