Public health news: Social Determinants of Health
The conditions in which we are born, live, work and age all influence our health and wellbeing.
Public health news: December 2024
This quarter we are focusing on the importance of housing.
'The Health Foundation tells us that 1 in 5 homes don't meet the decent housing standards, yet where we live is more than just a roof over our head, it is where we grow up and flourish'.
They describe a healthy home as:
- Affordable and offers a stable and secure base
- Able to provide for all the households needs
- A place where we feel safe and comfortable
- Connected to community, work and services
A recent event brought professionals from across the region together from housing, health, social care and local community organisations. We identified lots of existing good practice:
- Reducing Fuel Poverty-
- ECO4 Scheme - Energy Company Obligation (ECO4)
- TWFR Safe & Well Programme -
- As well specific support from Alzheimer's Society, Age Concern Tyneside South, Sense Ability Matters, Groundworks, Wise Group and First Contact Clinical -
We heard that we need:
- Housing stock that is free from damp & mould and is energy efficient
- Sustainable housing that reduces rough sleeping and homelessness
- More suitable housing through specialist housing, supported housing as well as aids and adaptations to keep people in their home.
We heard from the Regional Housing, Health and Care Programme who focus on older people, complex care and warm & dry homes. We also heard from the combined authority and their plans for affordable homes and retrofits.
We then agreed to be proactive in supporting residents to navigate what is available and to be more confident in approaching those services for help. In doing so, providing a more joined up approach across the different partners.
We welcome input from organisations who want to support the housing, health and care community of practice. We will be looking at how we do this in coming months but want the voice of residents and organisations to be at the heart of what we do.