Building regulation charges HTML version


  1. Principles of the charging scheme
  2. Payment of charges
  3. Scale of charges
  4. Contact details
  5. Table of charges

Principles of the charging scheme

This charging scheme is designed to be compliant with the requirements of The Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010.

The overriding principle is to ensure that the income from performing chargeable functions and providing chargeable advice, as closely as possible equates to the costs incurred by the authority in doing so.

Charges are payable for the following functions:

  • (a) The passing or rejection of plans of proposed building work which have been deposited with the Authority in accordance with section 16 of the Building Act 1984 (as amended).
  • (b) The inspection of building work for which plans have been deposited with the Authority in accordance with the Building Regulations 2010 and with section 16 of the Building Act 1984 (as amended)
  • (c) The consideration of a Building Notice, which has been given to the Authority in accordance with the Building Regulations 2010
  • (d) The consideration of building work reverting to the Authority under the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010
  • (e) The consideration of a regularisation application submitted to the Authority under regulation 18 of the Building Regulations 2010
  • (f) Chargeable advice - payable on demand after the Authority have given notice in writing.

Payment of charges

Charges in respect of 1(a) to (d) above are required to be paid by the person by whom or on whose behalf the work is to be carried out; a charge in respect of (1)(e) is required to be paid by the owner of the building. In relation to 1(f) the charge is payable by any person requesting advice for which a charge may be made.

The charges for the prescribed function are divided into Plan and Inspection Charges (in relation to a Full Plans Application), Building Notice Charges, Regularisation Charges, and Reversion Charges.

Please make payment by cash, debit/credit card, or by cheque (made payable to ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú).

  • Full Plans - The plan charge is a deposit fee payable on submission of a Full Plans application to the authority.
  • Inspection Charge - Is the balance payment for the cost of the service, required to be paid on demand, after the first inspection has been carried out, following work starting on site. The invoice for this charge will be sent to the owner (applicant/client on application form), unless requested otherwise.
  • Building Notice - The charge must be paid when the notice is submitted to the Authority.
  • Regularisation Charge - The charge must be paid when the application is submitted to the Authority.
  • Reversion Charge - The charge will be assessed following a site visit and consideration of any information provided to show compliance of any work already undertaken. You will be notified of the required charge which must be paid prior to the issuing of a Reversion Certificate.
  • If the basis on which the charge has been determined changes, the Local Authority may refund or request a supplementary charge. The Authority will provide a written statement setting out the basis and method of calculation for the refund/ supplementary charge.

Scale of charges

All fees are subject to VAT at the appropriate rate (except Regularisation charge). There are two methods used by the Authority to establish the Building Regulation Charge:

  1. Standard charge for domestic extensions and alterations - see table.
  2. Individually Determined Charge - including new dwellings, commercial projects, and reversions.

Note that standard charges have been based upon the following assumptions:

  • The building work does not consist of, (or include), innovative or high-risk construction techniques and/or the duration of the building work from commencement to completion does not exceed 12 months.
  • The design and building work will be undertaken by a person or company that is competent to carry out the design and building work referred to in the standard charge tables. If not, the work may incur supplementary charges.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Local Authority cannot be engaged as the building control body for work on higher-risk buildings (defined as a building with a height of seven or more storeys, (or with a floor greater than 18m above ground level), and that contains two or more residential units, or is a hospital, or a care home). Applications for work on these types of building must be submitted directly to the Building ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú Regulator. See: .

If your Building Regulation application requires an individually determined charge, this will be calculated using an estimate of the time required to effectively deal with your application, and our current hourly rate (£55 per hour plus vat).

To request a charges quotation, please contact the Building Control team at with as much information as possible that may assist in formulating an accurate costing, e.g.:

  • (a) The existing use of a building, or the proposed use of the building after completion of the building work.
  • (b) The type of building work (as described in regulation 3 of the Principal Regulations).
  • (c) The floor area of the building or extension.
  • (d) The nature of the design of the building work and whether innovative or high-risk construction techniques are to be used.
  • (e) The estimated duration of the building work.
  • (f) The estimated cost of the building work.
  • (g) Whether an application or building notice is in respect of two or more buildings or building works all of which are substantially the same as each other.
  • (h) Whether an application or building notice is in respect of building work which is substantially the same as building work that plans have previously been deposited or building works inspected by the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú.
  • (i) Whether chargeable advice has been given (and paid for) which is likely to result in less time being taken by the local authority to perform the chargeable function.
  • (j) Details of the consultants and contractors engaged to deliver the project (if known).

Contact Details

Building Control ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú
Town Hall & Civic Offices,
Westoe Road,
South Shields,
Tyne & Wear,
NE33 2RL

Tel: 0191 4247436

Domestic extensions
CategoryDescriptionPlan chargeInspection chargeBuilding notice chargeRegularisation chargeAdditional charges
1Single storey extension floor
area not exceeding 10m2
2Single storey extension floor exceeding 10m2 but not exceeding 40m2£220.83£265.00£545.83£655.00£795.83£955.00£1,245.00£666.67£800.00
3Single storey extension floor exceeding 40m2 but not exceeding 100m2£220.83£265.00£795.83£955.00£1,058.33£1,270.00£1,645.00£666.67£800.00
4Two storey extension not exceeding 40m2£220.83£265.00£616.67£740.00£862.50£1,035.00£1,670.00£666.67£800.00
5Two storey extension to a dwelling house exceeding 40m2 but not exceeding 200m2£220.83£265.00£862.50£1,035.00£1,125.00£1,350.00£1,800.00£666.67£800.00
6Loft conversion£220.83£265.00£575.00£690.00£929.17£1,115.00£1,460.00£666.67£800.00
7Erection or extension of a non exempt detached or attached domestic garage or carport up to 100m2£220.83£265.00£275.00£330.00£525.00£605.00£820.00£666.67£800.00
8Conversion of a garage to a dwelling to a habitable room(s)£220.83£265.00£175.00£210.00£425.00£510.00£570.00£666.67£800.00
9Alterations to extend or create a basement up to 100m2£220.83£265.00£750.00£900.00£1,058.33£1,270.00£1,535.00£666.67£800.00
10Guardian Roofs£233.34£280.00£0.00£0.00£233.34£280.00£330.00£666.67£800.00

If controllable electrical work is not carried out by a person qualified to inspect and test the installation in accordance with BS 7671, an additional charge of £708.33 + VAT will be incurred by the applicant to cover the costs of the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú or its appointed consultant carrying out the completion inspection and testing of the electrical installation.

A Part P Registered Electrician is a qualified electrician who also has the necessary Building Regulations knowledge to enable his accreditation body to certify his work.

Domestic alterations
Category of workBasis of chargePlan chargeInspection chargeBuilding notice chargeRegularisation charge
1. Underpinning

Fixed price

2. Renovation of a thermal element to a single dwellingFixed price£137.50£165.00£137.50£165.00£287.50£345.00£440.00

3. Internal alterations

Installation of fittings (not electrical) and/or structural alterations

(If ancillary to the building of the extension no additional charge)

Fixed price based on estimated cost bands:       
Estimated cost less than £2,000£66.67£80.00£133.34£160.00£250.00£300.00£320.00
Estimated cost exceeding £2,000 up to £5,000£145.83£175.00£220.83£265.00£375.00£450.00£525.00
Estimated cost exceeding £5,000 up to £25,000£145.83£175.00£475.00£570.00£641.67£770.00£960.00
Estimatd cost exceeding £25,001 and up to
Estimated cost exceeding £50,001 and up to
4. Window replacement (not Competent Person
Fixed price grouped by numbers of windows:       
Per installation up to 20 windows    Â£158.33£190.00£225.00
Per installation over 20 windows    Â£354.17£425.00£585.00
5. Electrical work (not Competent Persons
Fixed price based on extent of works       
Any electrical work other than the rewiring of a dwelling    Â£162.50£195.00£1,005.00
The rewiring or new installation in a dwelling    Â£287.50£345.00£1,005.00
6. Installation of Heating or Micro-generation equipmentFixed price£116.67£140.00£116.67£140.00£200.50£300.00£700.00

If controllable electrical work is not carried out by a person qualified to inspect and test the installation in acc. with BS 7671, or in the case of heat producing appliances a person competent to provide a completed commissioning checklist, an additional charge of £708.33 + vat will be incurred by the applicant to cover the costs of the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú or its appointed consultant carrying out the relevant completion inspection and testing of the installation.