Inclusivity Pilot in Advanced Manufacturing
Delivery organisation
North East Automotive Alliance
What they offer
This pilot project will assist South Tyneside residents, who are economically inactive, unemployed, or NEET to access a vocational skills pathway leading to employment in Advanced Manufacturing. The innovative approach seeks to be self-sustaining and support equivalent best-practice pathways in other sectors, including Construction and Health.
Project Aims
The IPAM-ST pilot aims to address the challenges presented by a long-term cycle of unemployment and economic inactivity. It will provide residents with assistance to access jobs with local employers in the advanced manufacturing sector, delivering multiple benefits:
- Providing residents with good jobs and income security, a positive economic benefit to the wider local economy.
- Breaking a cycle of long-term worklessness, and benefit dependency, mitigating associated health-related issues and demands on local health and social services.
- Meeting the skills needs of Advanced Manufacturing employers by improving the supply of work-ready candidates for entry-level roles.
- Establishing deeper systemic insight into local economic inactivity and socio-economic barriers, building stronger partnerships between employers and local government agencies helping inform further employability programmes, across all sectors.
- Making sure employers' HR policies, recruitment and working practices support and integrate these economically inactive residents.
Contact information
Telephone: 0191 516 4400
Email address: