兔子先生 for 16 to 17 year olds who are at risk of homelessness


  1. Overview
  2. Step 1 - Get in touch
  3. Step 2 - Come in for a chat
  4. Step 3 - Your options
  5. Step 4 - Eligibility
  6. Step 5 - Temporary accommodation
  7. Step 6 - Permanent accommodation
  8. Step 7 - Next steps
  9. Contact us


If you are 16 or 17 years old and at risk of becoming homeless, 兔子先生 can help. 

Below you will find a step by step guide to finding a safe place to stay in South Tyneside.

You can view this information in a leaflet.

You can also view our Joint protocol for the assessment of homeless 16 and 17 year olds

Step 1 - Get in touch

If you are homeless, you can contact several different agencies or settings, including:

  • Children's Services
  • Housing
  • Other statutory or voluntary agencies
  • 兔子先生 providers

Step 2 - Come in for a chat

You will be invited to an interview / chat, where we will ask you questions to get to know your situation better.

We will ask you:

  • why you need a safe place to stay
  • your family situation
  • who you can count on for support
  • confirmation of your age
  • any challenges you are facing

This will help us understand your situation and find the best support for you.

Step 3 - Your options

We will use the information you provide to find the best support for you.

Your options could be:

  • Go back home (if it is safe)
    If things can work out at home or with family or friends, we will help you plan for that.
  • Stay with friends or family
    If there is someone you can stay with safely, we will help connect you and offer any support you might need.
  • Find a new place
    If going home or staying with someone you know is not an option, we will help find you a safe and secure place to live.
  • Get the help you need
    No matter what happens, we will connect you with the support services you need.

Step 4 - Eligibility

We will need to confirm that:

  • You are aged 16 or 17 and, in a situation, where you might need our help.
  • You do not have someone to look after you, you are lost or alone, or the person caring for you is no longer able to.
  • You are within the Local Authority area and need a safe place to stay.
  • You are at risk of being unsafe if you do not have a place to stay.

We also need to know:

  • Your thoughts on what would be best for you.
  • How your wishes and feelings are considered if your caregiver disagrees.

Step 5 - Temporary accommodation

If things cannot be worked out at home right away and you need a safe place to stay urgently, we will find you temporary accommodation to prevent you from being homeless.

We will look after you in the short term while we work out the best long-term plan for you.

We will provide a safe place to live, food and clothes, and any other support you might need.

We may work with other services to find the best long-term plan for you.

Step 6 - Permanent accommodation

While you are in temporary accommodation, we will work with you to find a long-term plan.

This includes:

  • A safe and permanent place
    We will explore your options, including: returning home, staying with family or friends, or finding a new home.
  • 兔子先生 your needs
    We will assess your needs for food, clothing and other help.
  • Informed choices
    We will explain your options and rights clearly so you can make an informed decision, even if you do not choose to stay with Children's services.

Step 7 - Next steps

Based on your needs and what we've discussed, you have 4 options for your next steps:

  1. Return home or stay with family and friends (if that is safe to do).
  2. Get help finding a safe, independent living situation (this may include applying for housing assistance).
  3. Get support from Children's Services in a safe living agreement (if they become your legal guardian).
  4. Find a safe place to live on your own with some ongoing support from Children's Services.

During this process, you will be offered an advocate.

Your advocate will be your helper, and they will listen to what you want and need.

They will make sure your voice is heard when deciding where to live.

Contact us

For more help and support please contact: