Regulation 18 Consultation Statement

About this publication

This document sets out how the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú carried out engagement with local residents, community groups, businesses, other organisations and stakeholders in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the relevant statutory requirements. 

This relates to consultation on the draft Publication Local Plan (Regulation 18) which took place in 2022. 

A summary of the feedback can be found in the main report. The appendices contain further details of responses.

Publishing information

From: Spatial Planning

Published: January 2024


PDF:  Regulation 18 Consultation Statement (PDF) [3MB]


Appendix A – Chapter 1 – Introduction and Key Diagram (PDF) [315KB]

Appendix B – Chapter 2 – South Tyneside Context (PDF) [238KB]

Appendix C – Chapter 3 - Spatial Vision and Strategic Objectives (PDF) [359KB]

Appendix D – Chapter 4 – Strategy for Sustainable Development (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix E - Chapter 5 - Strategic Allocations (Part 1 Policy SP4) (PDF) [2MB]

Appendix E - Chapter 5 - Strategic Allocations (Part 2 Policy SP5) (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix E - Chapter 5 - Strategic Allocations (Part 3 Policies SP6 and SP7) (PDF) [603KB]

Appendix E - Chapter 5 - Strategic Allocations (Part 4 Policies SP8 to SP16) (PDF) [519KB]

Appendix F – Chapter 6 – Promoting healthy communities (PDF) [440KB]

Appendix G – Chapter 7 - Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding, and coastal change (PDF) [1MB]

Appendix H – Chapter 8 - Delivering a mix of homes (PDF) [848KB]

Appendix I – Chapter 9 – Building a strong, competitive economy (PDF) [329KB]

Appendix J – Chapter 10 – Ensuring the vitality of centres (PDF) [421KB]

Appendix K – Chapter 11 – Conserving and enhancing the natural environment (PDF) [896KB]

Appendix L – Chapter 12 – Conserving and enhancing the historic environment (PDF) [327KB]

Appendix – M – Chapter 13 – Well-designed places (PDF) [288KB]

Appendix N – Chapter 14 – Infrastructure (PDF) [488KB]

Appendix O – Chapter 15 – Waste and Minerals (PDF) [253KB]

Appendix P – Chapter 16 - Implementation and Monitoring (PDF) [251KB]

Appendix Q - Sewage Management - Local Plan Position Statement (PDF) [389KB]

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