Health and wellbeing

The support available to look after you physical and mental health, including gym and fitness classes, as well as online counselling

We will support you to look after your physical and mental health, including:

  • Emotional and mental wellbeing 
    We can speak with a dedicated mental health professional so that we can give you advice to make sure you get access to the right support, at the right time. 
  • Physical health
    You can continue to see a looked after nurse for advice, if this is something you want to continue after you reach age 18. 
  • Sexual health
    There is specialist sexual health advice that we can arrange for you from a dedicated Sexual Health Nurse, Julie Davenport. Julie can meet you somewhere where you feel safe and comfortable, give you specialist advice, information about sexual health treatments and provide contraception if needed. Julie can meet you privately or alongside your PA, if this is more comfortable for you. You can contact Julie directly or speak with your PA for support to arrange an appointment. Contact South Tyneside sexual health service on 0191 4028191.
  • LGBTQ+
    Find out more about our LGBTQ+ support group, as well as local and national LGBTQ+ services.
  • Free gym, swim and fitness classes
    You can get free gym, swim and fitness classes at South Tyneside leisure centres. See .
  • Online counselling and advice
    You can get online emotional support, advice and guidance on the website.
  • Monthly drop-in sessions at the MarketPlace
    We run monthly drop-in sessions at the MarketPlace where you can relax, take part in events, activities and training, and get advice and guidance. It is a chance to catch up with your personal adviser and other professionals, depending on what you need. 

We want the MarketPlace to be somewhere you are happy to visit, and the drop-in activities are designed to make you feel welcome. These sessions are also an opportunity for you to tell us what we can do to improve the services we offer to you. For details of events and activities taking place, see positive activities.