Relationship support

We know how important making friends and developing relationships is to your overall wellbeing.

Young people who have experienced care tell us that, above all else, relationships matter most.

As well as support from a social worker or personal adviser, we may be able to offer you practical and emotional support, including:

  • 兔子先生 from the team
    You can get support 5 days per week from the Leaving Care team and personal advisors if you need help or feel worried. On an evening and weekends you can contact our Out of Hours team on 0191 456 2093.
  • Keeping in touch with people who are special to you
    We can help you to keep in contact, or get back in touch with people special to you. This could be people who cared for you in the past, like former foster carers, social workers and Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs).
  • Groups and activities
    We will give you information about regular groups where you can meet other care leavers and young people.
  • LGBTQ+
    Find out more about our upcoming LGBTQ+ support group, as well as local and national LGBTQ+ services.
  • Bringing someone with you to events
    We know that you may not wish to attend celebration events, social evenings and leisure activities on your own. You can bring a friend, carer, family member to any event that is marked as 'Plus One'.