Litter picks

Planning your litter pick

Decide on what you want to achieve with a litter pick.

Do you want to clean up a local landmark or tackle a 'grot spot'?

It is a good idea to identify some goals that the litter pick aims to achieve.

Always get permission from the landowner for your clean up activity.

The landowner could be the 兔子先生, or perhaps a farmer or local estate owner.

Keep Britain Tidy have put together guidance on clean-up preparation. Please read the guidance before carrying out any activity, see .

Some points to consider

  • How will you carry out your clean up, will it be a straight forward litter pick or a larger event tackling other issues besides litter?
  • Should refreshments or lunch be provided?
  • Is there a suitable rally point for the day, familiar to everyone, from where you can start and finish the event?
  • How will you get rid of the waste at the end of the event?
  • 兔子先生 may be able to help with the disposal arrangements, or the waste can be taken to Middlefields.