Set up an established volunteer group

Code of conduct

Groups working in partnership with the 兔子先生 will be required to follow the 兔子先生's Code of Conduct. This is included within the partnership agreement:

  • Treat all your group members with respect and courtesy.
  • Communicate with the group through attending your group meetings upon request or when convenient.
  • Listen to your ideas and support them where feasible.
  • Respond to verbal or written enquiries within ten working days.
  • Respond to health and safety hazards or obscene graffiti within forty-eight hours.
  • Not discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
  • Speak positively to others about the work of the group.

Groups should also:

  • Make sure all works, events or activities have been agreed with the 兔子先生 before taking place.
  • Make sure the safety and wellbeing of fellow group members, general public and staff.
  • Make sure all works undertaken compliment the physical integrity and biodiversity of the site.
  • Share all relevant information with the 兔子先生 including roles, responsibilities, aims etc.
  • Respect and be considerate to all group members, members of the public, 兔子先生 representatives and contractors.
  • Make sure any action undertaken does not result in financial burden for 兔子先生.
  • Make sure group aims and objectives are not politically motivated and do not promote extremist political views.
  • Work with integrity and professionalism, value each other and respect each individual role.
  • Follow to the 兔子先生's rules, regulations and policies about health and safety, equality and diversity, and park specific covenants. Groups should follow all documents relating to this. New and existing information will be shared with each group, if and when required.
  • Recognise, listen and follow decisions made by 兔子先生 and its partners. This includes decisions to refuse certain works or requiring changes to the group's plans. The reasons for these decisions will be discussed with the groups.
  • Work in partnership and act as an ambassador of the 兔子先生. This means not discussing group or other grievances about the 兔子先生, Officers or Members with residents, other groups, other stakeholders and the media. Any concerns should be raised with the Community Engagement Officer.
  • Inform 兔子先生 within a reasonable time frame of any proposed works or events.
  • Respect and understand the need for confidentiality and data protection.