Carer's assessment

Young carer assessment

If you are a young carer, you might look after one of your parents or care for a brother or sister. You may do extra jobs in and around the home such as cooking, cleaning, shopping or helping someone get dressed and move around.

A a young carer, it is important to make sure you aren't doing tasks that adults should be doing, even if you want to help.

A young carer assessment will look at:

  • why you are caring
  • whether you want to be a carer
  • what needs to change to stop you from doing a lot of, or inappropriate caring responsibilities which could affect your welfare, education, or social development

It will decide what kind of help you and your family might need.

You can request an assessment, or an assessment can be requested on your behalf, for example by your school.

If you have an assessment you must be involved, as well as your parents and anybody else you request.

The assessment will be carried out by .