South Tyneside Electoral Review


  1. Overview
  2. About the review
  3. Consultation
  4. Further information


The Local Government Boundary Commission for England reviews the electoral and boundary arrangements of councils to make sure they are fair. 

They are currently carrying out an electoral review of South Tyneside.

About the review

The review is to make sure councillors represent around the same number of electors, and that ward arrangements help the council work effectively.

The review will also look at creating ward boundaries that are appropriate, reflecting community ties and identities.

This will not change the number of councillors in South Tyneside. The Local Government Boundary Commission decided that the number of councillors should stay the same as it is now.  


Between May and July 2023, the Local Government Boundary Commission for England carried out consultation with South Tyneside residents.

They asked for your thoughts on:

  • where your ward boundaries should be
  • where people in your area go to access local facilities, such as shops and leisure activities
  • which areas you identify as your local community

They then published their draft recommendations and asked for your feedback. 

Consultation finished on 11 December 2023. 

Final consultation

The Boundary Commission then developed new draft recommendations which they published on their website.

They carried out a consultation on these new recommendations between 7 May and 9 September 2024.

They're currently reviewing feedback from this and will publish their final recommendations in late 2024.

Further information

For more information, please see:

New arrangements will apply to local elections from 2026.