Cost of Living and welcoming places

Get help with energy and bills

Increase in energy and water bills

The price of energy and water will be increasing, meaning households will see their bills rise.

We have advice and guidance on what you can do to save money and energy. For more information, see increasing bills.

Energy roadshows

兔子先生 Housing Services are hosting sessions throughout March aimed at helping you to reduce your fuel bill.

For more information see
Home energy efficiency measures such as insulation and upgrading inefficient heating for low income and fuel-poor households.

  • Sign up to your energy supplier's priority service register to see if you're eligible for extra support.

  • If you're on a low income, less than 拢17,005 per annum, or receive pension credit, Northumbrian Water may be able to reduce your bill by up to 50%.

  • If you have a water meter Northumbrian Water will cap your metered charges, if you use more water than average, for reasons that can't be helped, such as a disability.

  • Offering a range of ways to help if you are struggling with water bills.

  • There are lots of things you can do at home to reduce the amount of energy you use.

  • Providing free data to 500,000 people in need, in partnership with Virgin Media O2, Vodafone and Three.

  • Internet Service Providers (IPS) and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) delivering low-cost broadband and phone service packages for those on low incomes. Use the  or see the .

  • Apply for energy bill support if you do not get it automatically

    Most households in England, Scotland and Wales get a 拢400 discount on their energy bills automatically.

    In some cases, you do not get the discount automatically, for example if you:

    • pay for energy through a landlord, housing manager or site owner
    • live in a park home, houseboat or off the electricity grid

    If you do not get the discount automatically, you can apply for it on the GOV.UK website:

    Help if you use alternative fuels for heating

    You may be eligible for a 拢200 Alternative Fuels Payment (AFP) if both the following are true:

    • your household is not connected to the mains gas grid
    • you use alternative fuels as your main form of heating

    This is on top of the 拢400 from your electricity supplier.

    You're eligible for this payment if the main way you heat your home uses:

    • tank or bottled gas
    • liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
    • oil
    • wood
    • solid fuel

    For more information, see