Our recruitment process

What to expect during your interview

You may be used to a traditional competency-based interview, where you are asked questions related to your work-based skills.

In your Adults and Integrated Care interview, we'll ask you questions relating to our values, as well as those competency-based questions you would expect in an interview.

When we ask you about a value:

  • You should talk about a time when you displayed the value or behaviour, and what the outcome of the situation was.
  • Think about a time when you may have displayed that value. Your focus should be on the outcome. You should spend most of your time discussing the learning or changes you took rather than just a description of what happened.

After the initial question about a time when you displayed a value or behaviour, we'll ask you some probing questions which are designed to elicit evidence in relation to learning and reflection. You should give examples and describe evidence of past behaviour, which will give your interviewer insight into how you are likely to behave in the future and if this is in-line with our values and behaviours.

You should also think of your behaviour and how you come across in an interview situation, and if you're reflecting our values in the way you present yourself.