School nurses


  1. Overview
  2. Responsibilities of a school nurse
  3. Contact


School nurses can provide support in and out of school, with things like:

  • keeping healthy
  • immunisations
  • emotional health
  • weight management
  • sexual health
  • drugs and alcohol
  • support to stop smoking

They can also arrange for extra support for:

  • young carers
  • young people with disabilities
  • those with long term illness or other needs

School nurses provide a confidential service. This means that you can discuss personal information and they will not say anything to anyone else or others without your permission.

They would only discuss your personal information with someone else if they were concerned about you and wanted to help and protect you from harm.

Responsibilities of a school nurse

  • assessing the health needs of the whole school community and developing an individual school health programme
  • providing confidential health advice for individual children
  • supporting children with their emotional health and wellbeing and referring on to other services
  • supporting vulnerable children and those with disabilities through individual health plans and working with teachers, social workers, education welfare officers and other professionals
  • delivering the school aged immunisation programme and supporting / educating parents around this
  • providing vision and audio screening for reception aged children
  • facilitating the National Childhood Measurement Programme


For more information contact:

  • your child's school
  • call 0191 283 1508 (for ages 0 to 5 years)
  • 0191 283 2189 (for ages 5 to 19 years)