STANLEY's daycare at All Saints Family Hub

Address: All Saints Children's Centre, Whitehall Street, South Shields, NE33 4SU
Telephone number: 0191 420 7657


  1. Opening times
  2. About the daycare
  3. How to apply for a place
  4. Ofsted report

Opening times

  • Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 3.30pm

Open term time.

About STANLEY's daycare at All Saints Family Hub

  • One large open plan room for children aged 2 to 3 years.
  • The room opens out onto an outdoor area which offers many opportunities for physical and explorative play.
  • STANLEY's at All Saints is a sessional nursery open 8.30am to 11.30am and 12.30pm to 3.30pm for children who are eligible for the two year offer.
  • Healthy snacks and drinks are on offer throughout the session.
  • A fully qualified team of staff, qualified to Level 3 or above.
  • The staff are dedicated workers who strive to offer the best care and education for each child.
  • STANLEY's at All Saints is a 'Good' nursery based on the outskirts of the centre of South Shields.
  • It is a purpose built nursery which opened in 2004.
  • The nursery often has outings into the local community and the children can access a sensory room and soft play throughout their nursery sessions, we use all of these tools to help the children in our care reach their full potential.

How to apply for a place

To find out more about how to apply for place, contact the centre on 0191 420 7657.

Ofsted Report

View the .