ࡱ>  QbjbjVV <<IL999994mmmhm5C!Y!Y!Y!"R$%XY[[[[[[J*[9%""%%[99Y!Y!Hp_'_'_'%v9Y!9Y!Y_'%Y_'_'-tIY!Pxmm&^E0Jt&dtIt9I%%_'%%%%%[[_'%%%%%%%t%%%%%%%%% :  Slips and Trips Policy And Guidance FOR SCHOOL Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268153" 1 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc402268153 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268154" 2 Statement of Intent  PAGEREF _Toc402268154 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268155" 3 Responsibilities  PAGEREF _Toc402268155 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268156" 3.1 The Board of Governors and Head Teacher  PAGEREF _Toc402268156 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268157" 3.2 All staff  PAGEREF _Toc402268157 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268158" 3.3 Midday Supervisors in the Hall and Playground  PAGEREF _Toc402268158 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268159" 3.4 Cleaners & Maintenance staff  PAGEREF _Toc402268159 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268160" 3.5 Pupils  PAGEREF _Toc402268160 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268161" 4 Reporting Slip and Trip Accidents  PAGEREF _Toc402268161 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268162" 4.1 RIDDOR  PAGEREF _Toc402268162 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268163" 5 Risk Assessment  PAGEREF _Toc402268163 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc402268164" Appendix A  PAGEREF _Toc402268164 \h 10  1 Introduction Slips and trips resulting in falls are the most common cause of injuries in UK workplaces. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their employees and anyone else who could be affected by their work (such as pupils and visitors, etc.) are kept safe from harm and that their health and safety is not affected. This means slip and trip risks must be identified and controlled to ensure that people do not slip, trip and fall. This policy concentrates on environmental risks of slips and trips. Over the last three years schools have reported a significant number of slipping and tripping accidents, many of which could have been prevented if more consideration had been given to the hazards and risks. Slip and trip incidents can be controlled and the measures needed are often simple and low cost, but will bring significant reductions both in human suffering and costs. 2 Statement of Intent This policy outlines the Schools requirement to assess the risks to employees and others who may be affected by their work, e.g. staff, pupils and visitors associated with slips and trips on its premises and to make provision for suitable controls designed to remove or reduce the risk of harm occurring. The School is committed to preventing or minimising the risk of slips and trips to staff, pupils and visitors who visit or use School premises. It aims to do this by: Providing a safe working environment which, as far as is reasonably practicable, is free from hazards that contribute to slips and trips. Ensuring any slip and trip hazards in the workplace are identified, reported and rectified. Ensuring, where deficiencies are identified, appropriate risk assessments and risk reduction action plans are in place to reduce risks and ensure the best practice principles are applied Ensuring hazard awareness training is provided as part of mandatory health and safety training to all staff. 2.1 The School recognises its responsibilities under Health & legislation and the importance of providing a working environment that is safe and healthy for all employees, pupils, contractors, visitors and members of the public. 2.2 The School will endeavour to protect staff and other persons, to whom it has third party liability at law, from the effects of slip and trip hazards, by good management and risk assessment. 2.3 This policy will be monitored by Health and . 3 Responsibilities 3.1 The Board of Governors and Head Teacher The Board of Governors and Head Teacher are responsible for ensuring: The health and safety at work of all employees, staff, pupils, contractors, visitors and others. Risk assessments are carried out for the management of risks from slips and trips in their School and that this is recorded and reviewed (see risk assessment). The risk assessment includes suitable control measures to eliminate or minimise the risk of slips and trips. This would include: checking surfaces are in good condition reducing floor contamination defining an appropriate footwear policy where necessary (e.g. laboratories, kitchens and where external work is carried out) checking that lighting is adequate. housekeeping is in order cable management is in place All relevant staff are made aware of the risk assessment and what is expected of them. A winter maintenance plan is designed and implemented when severe weather warnings are forecast for ice and snow, which includes gritting of high usage areas first and in extended adverse weather conditions ensure gritting is extended to other areas of lower risk. Areas that they control are inspected for slip and trip hazards at least termly, e.g. as part of workplace inspections, and that corrective action is taken where necessary. Any incidents involving slips or trips or near misses are reported and investigated. They lead by example by following policies and good practice, challenging inappropriate behaviour and dealing with issues regarding slips and trips. 3.2 All staff Take responsibility See it - Sort it Report it - small spills on smooth floors are slip hazards dont just leave it, clean it up to leave floor dry. Report any premises problems straight away to the head teacher e.g. potholes, uneven flooring, carpet edges, bad lighting, Attend to any slip or trip risks immediately, e.g. water spills, pupil accidents, leaks, etc. Wear the right shoes - you are less likely to have a slip or trip accident if you wear sensible shoes Use designated walkways - dont use shortcuts e.g. through the kitchen or hall. Carry hot drinks safely clean up any spills promptly. Store bags and work equipment safely - all deliveries must be attended to as soon as possible. Boxes that have been emptied must also be disposed of promptly - these should not be deposited outside classrooms. Avoid trailing cables when undertaking activities such as IT lessons. Encourage pupils to follow same procedures and talk to them about safe practices in relation to accidents including safe movement around the school and slips and trips 3.3 Midday Supervisors in the Hall and Playground Report any concerns about slip and trip hazards on the playground area and address as necessary Prevent contamination from getting onto the floor in the lunch hall Clean up spills straight away - for small spills spot clean with self-absorbent paper Stop pupils and adults from walking on smooth wet floors where there have been spills Dry the floor after cleaning to reduce drying time Barrier off or close off the wet area Wear the right shoes - the right non slip footwear can significantly lower the risk of slips in kitchens 3.4 Cleaners & Maintenance staff Follow your floor-cleaning and floor equipment instructions Clean up spills straight away - for small spills spot clean with some absorbent paper - use a cone / sign to highlight the spill until it is removed. Deep clean at the end of each day - use the right cleaning method for the floor and the right cleaning product in the right quantity. Stop people from walking on smooth wet floors - dry the floor after cleaning to reduce drying time, warn and barrier off or close off the wet area. Dont forget to remove cones as soon as the floor is dry. Dont create new hazards when you clean - trailing cables from vacuum cleaners and bin bags in walkways are a trip hazard. Report maintenance issues floors and cleaning equipment. 3.5 Pupils are expected to pick up coats, bags and other belongings so that they are not a trip hazard are reminded to stand back for other children in crowded areas to avoid congestion and falls are told not to run in school as this can cause themselves or others to trip are reminded not to play near doors are asked to point out any spills that may cause someone to slip 4 Reporting Slip and Trip Accidents Without exception, all employees are required to report work-related accidents/incidents to their respective supervisors or other responsible persons as soon as possible. AR1 - Employee. AR2 Pupil or Student. AR3 Member of the public. Any manager or supervisor who is notified of an accident/incident concerning an employee under their control must telephone Health & as soon as possible so that the incident can be logged and given a Reference Number. That person is also required to ensure that the appropriate form is completed and a copy forwarded to Health & . Each school must ensure that they carry out an investigation of the circumstances surrounding any accident/incident, a copy of which must be forwarded onto Health & , who will advise or comment on the proposed measures to prevent a recurrence. The investigation may be supplemented by an additional investigation by Health & depending on the circumstances. 4.1 RIDDOR The Reporting Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) place a statutory duty on the to notify the Health and Executive (HSE) of all relevant scheduled Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences at Work.  HYPERLINK "http://intranet.st.net/documents/documentLibrary_DocumentSummary.asp?pk_document=6536" http://intranet.st.net/documents/documentLibrary_DocumentSummary.asp?pk_document=6536 Further requirements for schools can be found:  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/edis1.pdf" http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/edis1.pdf 5 Risk Assessment All head teachers and managers must take the following control measures to effectively control slip and trip risks: identify the hazards (use accident records, talk to staff, observe people moving around the premises); decide who may be harmed (staff members, visitors, pupils, cleaners, catering staff, evening class pupils etc.) and how; consider the risks and decide if precautions already being taken are enough or if more needs to be done; record the findings; review the assessment regularly and revise if necessary. Appendix A provides practical measure to control slips and trips. A slip and trip checklist is available  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ck4.pdf" http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/ck4.pdf and further details can be found --  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/services/education/slips-in-education.htm" http://www.hse.gov.uk/services/education/slips-in-education.htm. Activity: Slips and TripsDate of Assessment: Establishment / School: SECTION/TEAMWho might be harmed? Employees, Pupils, Visitors How many are effected? Hazards (including inadequate / lack of arrangements)List existing control measures( if in place ( if notIf '(' state the action to be taken with timescales or indicate any additional control measures:Residual risk rating: High, Medium, LowCleaning ProceduresIs the cleaning practice effective in removing contaminants and does not create a slip risk? Can cleaning be undertaken with no or minimal pedestrian traffic in the area? Is it dry before pedestrians can walk on it? Are Wet Floor signs used where floors remain wet after cleaning or other cause? Are warning signs removed as soon as the hazard has gone? Are clean up procedures effective in promptly managing spills and keeping floors and paths clear from waste material? Is the correct cleaning method and products used for the type of floor and contamination? Are cables for vacuums and buffers managed?Shower and Toilet areas Does the floor surface have enough slip resistance to protect against slipping with expected contaminants? Are floors even with no sudden changes of height?Hazards (including inadequate / lack of arrangements)List existing control measures( if in place ( if notIf '(' state the action to be taken with timescales or indicate any additional control measures:Residual risk rating: High, Medium, LowCanteen/ Dining HallAre small spillages cleaned and spilt food picked up immediately? Are floors fully cleaned when pupils/pupils have left the area? Are people prevented from walking on the wet floor? e.g. use segregation barriers, lock doors, etc.Classrooms, D&T, etc.Does the floor surface have enough slip resistance to protect against slipping with expected contaminants? Are all walkways around machines/equipment/cables kept clear of potential tripping objects as far as is reasonably practicable?Reception Does the floor surface have enough slip resistance to protect against slipping with expected contaminants? Is the reception fitted with a carpet/door mat? Is it maintained in good condition and changed when required?Corridors & Stairs Does the floor surface have enough slip resistance to protect against slipping with expected contaminants? Are all corridors/stairs kept clear of potential tripping objects as far as is reasonably practicable? Are hand rails fitted to the full length of the stairs Are stairs that are carpeted/vinyl (delete one) fitted with suitable nosings?External areas car parks, footpaths, etc. Are car parks and footpaths safe and free from potholes and tripping hazards? Are safe routes cleared during winter conditions? See separate Snow and Ice risk assessment.Hazards (including inadequate / lack of arrangements)List existing control measures( if in place ( if notIf '(' state the action to be taken with timescales or indicate any additional control measures:Residual risk rating: High, Medium, LowLighting, maintenance & inspection.Do all the floor surfaces have enough slip resistance to protect against slipping with expected contaminants in all of the areas? Are adequate lighting levels maintained internal and external? Are defects reported to the Caretaker/Asset Management? Is there a regular documented inspection regime in place?Are there any other foreseeable hazards associated with Slips, Trips & Falls? Please circle YES / NOList any additional control measures: ASSESSED BY (Print name) SIGNEDDATE LINE MANAGER SIGNEDREVIEW DATE  Appendix A Managing the Risk of Slips and Trips There are many simple measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate slip, trip or fall risks. The following table gives some suggestions. AreaPractical measures for slips risk controlExternal steps, paths and parking areasSuitable lighting replace, repair or clean lights Ensure steps and paths are suitable for the volume of pedestrian traffic Ensure paving slabs are secure and tarmac paths in good condition to give a flat, even surface Maintain parking area free of potholes Mark nosings of steps using anti slip coating Provide handrails where appropriate and maintain Discourage short cuts across grassed / muddy areas Clean leaves / mud from surfaces Remove algal growth Put in place effective procedures to deal with snow and icePlaygrounds and all weather sport surfacesEnsure well maintained and flat to avoid surface water Remove accumulations of mud / water Remove algal growth Ensure users wear appropriate footwearBuilding entrances / exitsProperly positioned door canopies of good size can prevent rain and dirty water from entering the building and getting onto the floor, so preventing slip risks Non slip water absorbing mats at entrances that are large enough to dry shoes Maintain mats in good condition and change when saturated Ensure temporary matting does not curl and so pose a trip risk Display signs warning of hidden steps / changes in level Display signs warning of slipping risk where appropriate Site door catches and door stops safelySports hallsSuitable footwear worn Maintain floor mats in good condition and ensure they remain flat Keep smooth floors clean and completely free of wet or dust contamination Dont make smooth sports hall floors smoother by polishing and buffingChanging rooms/ swimming poolsAvoid contamination of the floor surface with mud/water from pupils: Provide shoe cleaning brushes / scrapers Provide suitable entrance matting Provide non-slip flooring Provide non slip surfaces in shower areas Provide handholds for people with disabilities Display no running signageInternal stairs and corridorsEnsure a staggered release of pupils onto heavily used traffic routes Put in place measures for traffic streaming and flow management up / down stairs and corridors Mark nosings of stairs using anti-slip coating. Handrails provided at suitable level Lighting- replace / repair or clean lights before levels become too low Apply anti-slip coatings to areas of smooth flooring which may become wetClassroom areasAvoid trailing cables Provide storage racks for pupils bags and coat hooks for drying wet clothing- consider siting such areas on specialist anti-slip flooring Provide anti-slip flooring in wet areas Avoid overcrowding of rooms Control the entry and exit of people from classes Provide a clear walkway around the roomPreparation rooms, technician areas and storage roomsProvide suitable storage Containers of bulk liquids to be kept in bunded areas Keep clear area around machines, kilns etc. Use slip resistant flooring around machines Remove all floor contamination quickly and effectivelyKitchensProvide equipment to avoid spillages (from cooking, washing etc.) Provide edged work surfaces to contain spillages Ensure good ventilation to avoid steam and condensation Ensure staff wear suitable footwear Spot clean small spillages and pick up food contamination immediately Ensure good housekeeping around bins Ensure floor surface is non slip Clean floors with products appropriate for surface and contamination removal after work has finished Prevent anyone from walking on wet floor e.g. use segregation barriers , lock doors Only use cones / signage as a temporary warning deviceCanteen areasEnsure staff wear suitable footwear Spot clean small spillages and pick up food contamination immediately Ensure floor surface is rough enough to cope with greasy contamination Clean floors only when pupils have left area Clean floors with products appropriate for surface and contamination removal after work has finished Prevent anyone from walking on wet floor e.g. use segregation barriers , lock doors Only use cones / signage as a temporary warning deviceOfficesProvide clear walkways Avoid trailing cables Provide adequate storage Do not store/leave materials in the walkways and around equipment Replace worn or damaged carpet tiles etcEventsEnsure temporary cabling is routed safely and protected from damage Provide sufficient lightingEducational visitsAssess location and anticipated weather Modify visit depending on local conditions when on site Wear suitable footwear Ensure effective management of the visit.      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