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The Working at Height Regulations came in to force on 6th April 2005 place a responsibility on employers and all persons, in their employ or under their control, engaged with the planning, supervision and carrying out of work at height, to manage the risks involved. accepts its duty under these regulations and has produced the following guidance for managers and employees. Definitions Working at Height is defined as any work undertaken at any place above, at or below ground level, from which, if measures were not taken, a person could fall a distance liable to cause injury It includes gaining access to or egress from such a place except by means of a staircase in a permanent workplace. Achieving Compliance 3. All council directorates will ensure that all work that is to be carried out at a height is properly planned, supervised and carried out is such a manner that is safe, planning should also include: Avoidance of working at a height where possible; The selection of suitable access equipment; Rescue and emergency procedures; Precautions for inclement weather. In considering the installation or erection of access equipment, directorates must provide competent persons. Responsibilities Managers 4. Managers should where possible, avoid working at a height so far as is reasonably practicable, they must: Carry out an assessment of the risks involved in work at height and take steps to eliminate or control them; Provide resources for all necessary equipment to allow safe access to and egress from the place of work and working platforms; When working in an open environment, assess the effect of weather conditions on the type of work being undertaken and, if necessary, halt work temporarily; Arrange for the regular inspection of all equipment required for working at height, particularly where there is a statutory requirement to do so; Provide competent persons to carry out risk assessments; Appoint a competent person to be responsible for the supervision of the erection, altering and dismantling of scaffolding and for the inspection of equipment used in work at height; Keep records of all access equipment they have in their department and records of inspection of that equipment, records of employee training. Responsibility of Employees 5. All employees have a duty under sections 7 of the Health and at Work Etc Act 1974 to cooperate with the in all matters relation to health and safety, and, under the Working at height Regulations they must: Report any activity or defect which may endanger the safety of them or other employees; Attend training in working at a height; Use equipment provided for working at a height in accordance with safe practices; Not misuse any equipment provided for working at a height. Implementation The Working at Height Regulations 2005 is a distinct hierarchy of control in the prevention of falls of person from a height and the falls of objects from a height Avoidance of Working at Height 6. Consideration must be given to completing all or part of the work at ground level for example: Cutting materials at ground level rather than on a platform or scaffold eliminates the work done on the platform and also eliminates the risk of objects/debris falling through the scaffold have the work been done on it; Cleaning upper floor windows or as many windows that can be reached from the ground, with a long reach brush eliminates the risk of falling from a ladder or platform to do the same work; Pre painting timber components on the ground rather than fitting it the painting it from a ladder or platform; Preparing or assembling components on the ground before fitting from a platform or scaffold e.g. light fittings. Remaining work that cannot be avoided in this way must be assessed and suitable work access equipment provided to complete it. Selection of Work Equipment 7. All council departments, in selecting work equipment for use in work at height, shallgive collective protection measures priority over personal protection measures, which take into account the following: The working conditions and the risks to the safety of persons at the place where the work equipment is to be used; In the case of work equipment for access and egress, the distance to be negotiated; The distance and consequences of a potential fall; The duration and frequency of use; The need for easy and timely evacuation and rescue in an emergency; Any additional risk posed by the use, installation or removal of that work equipment or by evacuation and rescue from it. The choice of work equipment to be used will depend on the finding of a risk assessment, however guidance for erection/installation of equipment for working at a height can be found in schedules 1 to 7 of the Working at Height Regulations 2005. The Health and Executive (HSE) have produced a working at height tool in which the assessor inputs the requested criteria and the tool identifies suitable options for working at height see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/work-at-height/wait/wait-tool.htm" http://www.hse.gov.uk/work-at-height/wait/wait-tool.htm If working at a height involves the use of mechanical equipment, then the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 should be complied with see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l113.pdf" http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l113.pdf Working Platforms 8. Any working platform which can be on a tied scaffold, tower scaffold, trellis, mobile elevated work platform, must comply with the schedules to the Working at Height Regulations 2005 and have as a minimum the following: A platform with sufficient dimensions to permit the safe passage of persons and the safe use of any plant or materials required to be used and to provide a safe working area having regard to the work to be carried out there: The platform must be of such construction that a person or any material used on it or object cannot fall through it. A top guard-rail or other similar means of protection which will be at least 950 millimetres or, in the case of protection already fixed at the coming into force of these Regulations, at least 910 millimetres above the edge from which any person is liable to fall; An intermediate guard-rail or similar means of protection must be positioned so that any gap between it and other means of protection does not exceed 470 millimetres; Suitable and sufficient toe-boards to prevent the fall of any person, or any material or object form it. Inspections of Equipment 9. Access equipment and scaffolds should be inspected and tested on a regular basis and records kept of any such inspections and tests. Inspections should be carried out: By a competent person; The place where work is to be carried out before it is used; The equipment after it is assembled or installed; As often as is necessary to ensure safety, and in particular to make sure that any deterioration can be detected and remedied in good time; Before use if coming from another business or organisation and before any equipment leaves the council; It must be accompanied by a record of the last inspection; When any platform used for, or for access to construction work and from which a person could fall more than 2 m is inspected in place before use (not more than seven days before use); Where it is a mobile platform, inspection at the site is sufficient without re-inspection every time it is moved. Ladders 10. Ladders can be used for low risk short duration work or where existing features of the workplace cannot be altered. The HSE in their guidance document Safe use of ladders and step ladders  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg455.pdf" http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg455.pdf recommend that the short duration is no more than 30 minutes, however duration should never be a deciding factor in choice. Ladders should only be used by person who have had suitable training. Ladders must never be used where a surface is not level or stable. Before a ladder is used it must be inspected for damages. Fall Arrest equipment 11. Fall Arrest equipment should be provided when risk assessment and operational needs have identified it as a control measure. This type of equipment should only be used when all other control measures fail to adequately ensure the safety of operatives, and not as a stand-alone solution to working at height operations Fall Arrest equipment has limitations to its use such as length of expandable lanyard to the distance of a potential fall and should only be used by suitably and sufficiently trained persons. The need to formally and visually check fall arrest equipment is paramount, as the consequences of equipment failure may lead to serious or fatal injury. Fall arrest equipment that is faulty or poorly maintained must be withdrawn from use. Advice should be sought from the Health and Team prior to any purchase or use of fall arrest equipment. Training 12. All persons who use install, erect, dismantle, modify or inspect equipment for working at a height must be competent to do so. Health and 13. All Corporate groups have a designated Health and Advisor who is available to advise in the drafting of Risk Assessment and Procedures, to advise on the selection of access equipment. Monitoring of Compliance with this Guidance 14. The monitoring of compliance to this policy guidance will be carried out periodically by the Occupational Health and Team. Review 15. The guidance will be reviewed biannually as a rule and when any changes in legislative requirement should occur. The guidance will also be reviewed as a consequence of any restructuring of which will affect this policy.      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