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Ensure the Principal Designer must plan, manager and monitor the pre-construction phase of the project. Ensure the Principal Contractor plans, manages and monitors the construction phase of the project. Ensure Principal Designer develops the format of the Health & file and provided to the Client on completion. Legal Requirements The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (CDM 2015)  HYPERLINK "http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/51/contents/made" http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/51/contents/made, and the HSE Guidance L153 Managing Health and in Construction  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l153.pdf" http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l153.pdf place legal obligations on everyone involved in the construction process. Important Definitions The requirements of CDM 2015 apply to all construction work as defined within the Regulations Construction work means the carrying out of any building, civil engineering or engineering construction work and includes: The construction, alteration, conversion, fitting out, commissioning, renovation, repair, upkeep, redecoration or other maintenance (including cleaning which involves the use of water or an abrasive at high pressure or the use of corrosive or toxic substances), de-commissioning, demolition or dismantling of a structure; The preparation for an intended structure, including site clearance, exploration, investigation (but not site survey) and excavation, and the clearance or preparation of the site or structure for use or occupation at its conclusion; The assembly on site of prefabricated elements to form a structure or the disassembly on site of prefabricated elements which, immediately before such disassembly, formed a structure; The removal of a structure or of any product or waste resulting from demolition or dismantling of a structure or from disassembly of prefabricated elements which immediately before such disassembly formed such a structure; and The installation, commissioning, maintenance, repair or removal of mechanical, electrical, gas, compressed air, hydraulic, telecommunications, computer or similar services which are normally fixed within or to a structure, The Construction, Design and Management Regulations (CDM 2015) apply to all defined construction work without exception. In all cases, Clients should assume activities are in scope unless the project in question is not covered by the comprehensive list of activities contained within the regulations. Procedures The key aims of the Regulations are to integrate health and safety into the management of construction projects and to encourage everyone to work together. The Regulations are intended to focus attention on planning and management throughout construction projects from design concept onwards. In order to pursue these aims the Regulations place legal obligations on specific Duty Holders. The Duty Holders under CDM 2015 are:  HYPERLINK \l "theclient" Clients including Domestic Clients;  HYPERLINK \l "theprincipaldesigner" Principal Designers;  HYPERLINK \l "thedesigner" Designers;  HYPERLINK \l "theprincipalcontractor" Principal Contractors;  HYPERLINK \l "contractors" Contractors  HYPERLINK \l "CDMEVENTS" CDM Regulations Effects on Events Phases of all Construction Projects The CDM Regulations 2015 recognise three distinct phases to any construction project. They are: Pre-construction Phase The inception, design and planning stage of a project (before the construction or building work commences) although it is acknowledged that design work continues through the Construction Phase, in the case of Demolitions this is the Decommissioning Phase; Construction Phase this is the start through to the completion of the construction or building project, in the Case of Demolition Projects this is the Demolition Phase until practical completion; Post Construction Phase This is the practical completions, handover and commissioning part of the project. Duty holders defined by the CDM regulations have roles and responsibilities in each phase. Pre- Construction Information Pre-Construction Information (PCI) provides the health and safety information needed by Designers and Contractors who are bidding for or who have already been appointed to work on the project. It is used when planning, managing, monitoring and co-ordinating the work. PCI provides a basis for the preparation of the construction phase plan and some material may also be relevant to the preparation of the Health and File. PCI is information about the project that is already in the Clients possession or which is reasonably obtainable by or on behalf of the Client. The information must: be relevant to the particular project. have an appropriate level of detail; and be proportionate given the health or safety risks involved. Examples of PCI include: the existing health and safety hazards present on the Clients site, asbestos surveys, utility information or relevant information in an existing Health and File. Roles and Responsibilities - Management All departments must devise and implement procedures to ensure the following objectives are achieved: All construction work is adequately planned and resourced. Any STC team or individual engaged as a duty holder under the regulations is competent to undertake the assigned role. Any organisation or individual employed by STC as a duty holder is competent to undertake the assigned role. Any workplace designed, constructed, or modified by, or on behalf of STC complies with the requirements of the Workplace (Health, and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Health and Files are provided or updated upon completion of each project (where project involves more than one Contractor). Roles and Responsibilities Duty Holders The Client The Client is the Service Area, Governing Body or Head Teacher, manager which authorises the work to be undertaken. The Client ultimately pays for the works to be undertaken. Most Clients, particularly those who only occasionally commission construction work, will not be experts in the construction process. For this reason, they are not required to take an active role in managing the work. However, the Client is required to make suitable arrangements for managing the project so that health, safety and welfare is secured. Suitable arrangements include appointing a named Competent Officer (CO). Assembling the Project Team Effective management of health and safety risk in any construction project, requires an informed and adequately resourced Project Team, to ensure effective cooperation and coordination at all stages of the Project. To ensure this and to comply with CDM 2015 will provide adequate guidance, the application of which will ensure: Managing the risks by applying the general principles of prevention; Appointing the right people and organisations at the right time; Making sure everyone has the information, instruction, training and supervision they need to carry out their jobs in a way that secures health and safety; Duty holders co-operating and communicating with each other and co-ordinating their work; and Consulting workers and engaging with them to promote and develop effective measures to secure health, safety and welfare. Anyone appointing Designers and Contractors must ensure that these duty holders have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience and, if an organisation, the organisational capability to manage health and safety risks. The extent of the checks a Client must make into the capabilities of duty holders they appoint will depend upon the complexity of the project and the range and nature of the health and safety involved. This applies to both: Single Contractor projects where the Client appoints a Designer or Contractor directly, or Projects involving more than one Contractor where the Client must appoint a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor. These appointments must be made in writing as soon as practicable and, in any event, before the construction phase begins. The Client must ensure a suitable response is received to confirm acceptance of the specific duty holder roles. Where a Client fails to appoint either of these key roles, they become responsible to fulfil the duties required in each case. Notification to the Health & Executive of a Project Notifiable projects are construction projects which last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project or exceed 500 person days of work. CDM 2015 will apply to any design work no matter how long the work lasts and how many workers are involved on site. If the work includes demolition, then CDM 2015 also applies in the same manner as above. Further information - HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/forms/notification/f10.htm"HSE - F10 - Notification of Construction Project Non notifiable construction projects must still be notified to the Occupational Health & Team when the project meets the high to medium risk-based criteria. Guidance on how to determine the level of risk involved in the project can be found in the link below. LINK TO DRAFT GUIDANCE (in development) Domestic Clients A Domestic Client is defined by the regulations as a client for whom a project is being carried out which is not in the course or furtherance of a business STC must consider how they will deal with requests from tenants and domestic clients wishing to make adaptations or structural alterations to properties for Disability Housing. Further information -  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/areyou/client.htm" Construction - Are you a domestic client? HSE Regulations The Principal Designer The Principal Designer is appointed by the Client for all projects involving more than one contractor. Health and File The Health and File (HYPERLINK "https://intranet.southtyneside.gov.uk/article/14807/Corporate-Health-and--Manual"See Appendix N) must contain relevant information about the project which should be taken into account when any construction work is carried out on the building after the current project has finished. The file is only required for projects involving more than one Contractor. The Principal Designer has primary responsibility for preparing the file, and reviewing, updating and revising it as the project progresses. If their appointment continues to the end of the project they must also pass the completed file to the Client to keep. If the Principal Designers appointment finishes before the end of the project, the file must be passed to the Principal Contractor for the remainder of the project. The Principal Contractor must then take on the responsibility for reviewing, updating and revising it and passing it to the client when the project finishes. Further information -  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/areyou/principal-designer.htm" Are you a principal designer? Design team responsibilities (hse.gov.uk) The Designer The Designer is an organization or individual whose work involves preparing or modifying designs for construction projects, or arranging for, or instructing, others to do this. Further information -  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/areyou/designer.htm" Are you a designer? Design team responsibilities (hse.gov.uk) The Principal Contractor The Principal Contractor is usually the main or managing contractor for the construction phase. The Principal Contractor is appointed by the Client for all projects involving more than one contractor. Welfare Provision The Client must make sure the contractor has made arrangements for adequate welfare facilities on site before work commences. Construction Phase Plan The Construction Phase Plan (CPP) is produced by the Principal Contractor or Contractor and must set out the arrangements for securing health and safety for the construction phase. For projects involving more than one Contractor, the Principal Contractor must ensure the CPP is drawn up and for single contractor projects; it is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure the CPP is drawn up. In either case this must be done during the pre-construction phase before the construction site is set up. The CPP must take into account the information the Principal Designer holds such as the PCI and any information obtained from Designers. During the construction phase, the Principal Contractor must ensure that the plan is appropriately reviewed, updated and revised so that it remains effective. Further information -  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/areyou/principalcontractor.htm" Principal contractor - CDM 15 responsibilities - Construction (hse.gov.uk) Contractors/Sub Contractors A contactor is an organisation or individual procured to undertake construction work. Further information -  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/areyou/contractor.htm" Construction - Are you a contractor? (hse.gov.uk) CDM Regulations Effects on Events The Health and Executive have provided guidance on running events safely and information can be found at the following link -  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/entertainment/cdm-2015/cdm-role-allocation/live-events.htm" Health and safety in the film, theatre and broadcasting industries - Assigning CDM roles and duties in the live events sector (hse.gov.uk) Activities that may be construed as construction activities are as follows: Construction of the stage and stage canopy; A grandstand A tower/Lighting tower; The erection and dismantling of marquees; Erection of security fencing and barge barriers; Erection of any scaffold. The identified activities above are considered by the HSE to be Temporary Demountable Structures. The HSE have a dedicated a web page to the management of health and safety in events at  HYPERLINK "http://www.hse.gov.uk/event-safety/temporary-demountable-structures.htm" http://www.hse.gov.uk/event-safety/temporary-demountable-structures.htm Implementation of this Policy Guidance Most clients within , particularly those who only occasionally commission construction work, will not be experts in the construction process. For this reason, they are not required to take an active role in managing the work. However, the client is required to make suitable arrangements for managing the project so that health, safety and welfare are secured. In the first instance a Client Officer will need to seek advice from Asset Management Department with a conceptual drawing or plan, or standard to which a project must be constructed. The two options a client has at this point are: Utilise the existing resource of the Asset Management Department to provide a Project Manager, to manage the project on their behalf, who will subsequently identify duty holders for them: Procure all of the duty holders and manage the Project themselves. In either case the Asset Management Department must be informed of any intended projects. Health and For health and safety advice the regulations recommend that Clients should draw on the advice of their competent person, appointed under the Management of Health and at Work Regulations 1999. Whilst the law does not allow the client to delegate their responsibilities elsewhere, for , their Competent Person is the Occupational Health and Team and each service area has been allocated a Health and Advisor. The Health and Advisor should be invited to the scoping meeting for each new project and they will support the Client throughout the project life cycle. This will include the following: Pre-Construction Phase Attendance at scoping, design and planning meetings; Ensure all contractors undertaking construction works on behalf of have been vetted using the PAS91 Procurement evaluation; Provide advice on any specific issuing relating to the Construction Phase Plan. Construction Phase An initial site set up audit will be carried out on behalf of the Client; Assistance with Planned and/or Periodic audits of the site arrangements agreed in the Construction Phase Health and Plan as required; Attendance at site progress meetings where findings of the audit of both the Clients and Contractors will be presented. Practical Completion Attendance at commissioning meetings and soft landing; A health and safety inspection on Practical Completion maybe undertaken if requested. A post project review should be undertaken to evaluate the project delivery, contractor performance, incidents or any other areas which may provide lessons learnt information and support continuous improvement. Whilst the law does not allow the Client or the PD to delegate their responsibilities elsewhere, CDM 2015 also does not require a Client to appoint a Project Manager, rather it requires the Client to appoint those with the right skills, knowledge and experience for the PD coordination functions, and it is likely that in most cases, this can be fulfilled through existing project team resources. Links to Guidance Contractor Compliance arrangements as contained in the Corporate Health & Policy HYPERLINK "https://intranet.southtyneside.gov.uk/article/20661/Contractor-compliance"(3.19 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE) Health & Executive:  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/cdm/2015/index.htm" Construction - Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (hse.gov.uk) Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Guidance on Regulations  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/l153.htm" https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/l153.htm Legislation:  HYPERLINK "http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/51/contents/made" http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/51/contents/made Need building work done, A short guide for Clients HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg411.htm"https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg411.htm A short guide for clients on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015:  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg411.htm" https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg411.htm F10 - Notification of construction project:  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/forms/notification/f10.htm" https://www.hse.gov.uk/forms/notification/f10.htm CITB:  HYPERLINK "https://www.citb.co.uk/about-citb/partnerships-and-initiatives/construction-design-and-management-regulations-2015/" https://www.citb.co.uk/about-citb/partnerships-and-initiatives/construction-design-and-management-regulations-2015/ Review These guidance and procedures will be reviewed on an annual basis. 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