ࡱ> kmj[ &bjbjXX 4<:ji:ji v!v!////////8T/4/$/0o/(////111nnnnnnn$qt*n/11111n////4n2221////n21n22Jhl/l$1Qkpno00okt1tlt/l2111nnF21110o1111t111111111v!X -: Dated the day of 2024 Agreement for Funding of Holiday Activities and Food Programme 1. The of the Borough of South Tyneside 2. [The Provider] In respect of [programme description] This Agreement is dated of 2024 Made Between The of the Borough of South Tyneside of Town Hall and Civic Offices Westoe Road South Shields NE33 2RL (the ); and [The Provider] of (the Provider) Declaration I confirm that the Provider has authorised me to sign this agreement on its behalf. The Provider certifies that the information given in this application is true, that the application form has not been altered in substance from the original version, and that the enclosures are current, accurate and adopted and approved by the Provider. If this application is successful, in full or part, the Provider shall keep to the following terms and conditions. I understand that this is an agreement between the Provider and the . Recitals The has secured funding for the provision of holiday programmes for children in the Borough with an entitlement to free school meals (HAF Funding) The HAF programme has 6 core objectives: To eat more healthily over the school holidays. To be more active during the school holidays. To take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character, and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment. To be safe and not to be socially isolated. To have greater knowledge of health nutrition. To be more engaged with School and other local services. The Provider has devised a programme which meets the objectives, and the has agreed to provide funding on the terms set out in this agreement Agreement The Provider understands and agrees to the following: The Provider shall use any grant for exactly the purpose and in the manner set out in the Providers application and generally in pursuance of the HAF programme objectives. The Provider shall not make any major change to the project without first receiving the s agreement in writing. The Provider shall keep any equipment or other assets that the Provider has bought with or provided from the grant in good repair and undertake all things necessary to ensure their proper maintenance. The Provider shall use the grant predominantly as revenue funding for the delivery of the HAF programme The Provider shall not use the grant to pay for goods or services that The Provider buys or orders before the Provider receives an award letter confirming the grant. If the Provider obtains funding from another source for the purpose set out in this application, the Provider shall inform the immediately. The Provider understands that the Provider might need to repay all or part of the grant in these circumstances. The is obliged to only provide funding for the proposed programme for 2024, the Provider understands that the will not automatically fund any later projects. The Provider certifies that the grant shall not be used for the discharge of the Providers statutory duties. The Provider shall inform the of any changes to The Providers bank or building society account. The Provider shall comply with any relevant legislation that affects the way the Provider carries out the project. The Provider shall notify the of any accidents causing personal injury occurring in the course of the provision of the project by email to  HYPERLINK "mailto:HAF@southtyneside.gov.uk" HAF@southtyneside.gov.uk The Provider shall notify the of any complaints received from or reinforced by an adult in relation to the provision of the service by email to  HYPERLINK "mailto:HAF@southtyneside.gov.uk" HAF@southtyneside.gov.uk The Provider acknowledges that it is solely responsible for the Project and that the does not accept any responsibility for its performance or the actions of its staff or volunteers The Provider shall acknowledge the s grant in the Providers annual report, in the accounts that cover the period of the grant and in any publicity materials the Provider produces about the project. The Provider shall supply copies of these documents to the if requested. The may use the Providers name and the name of the project in its own publicity materials. The Provider shall inform the of any situation in which confidentiality or intellectual property is a particular issue. The Provider agrees, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, to obtain permission from individuals, or their parents or guardians if they are under the age of 18, to hold, publish and share their photo images with the , which may also use them in its own publicity materials. The Provider shall spend the grant within one year of the date of the award letter. If the Provider does not spend the entire grant, the Provider shall promptly return the unspent amount to the . The Provider shall monitor the success of the project and complete an end of funding report within one year of the award letter. The Provider understands that the will not increase the grant if The Provider overspends. The Provider shall keep all financial and other records and accounts relating to the operation of the Programme. The Provider shall make these available to the if requested. The Provider understands that this does not release the Provider from the Providers legal responsibility to keep records for longer periods. The may hold back a grant or ask the Provider to repay a grant, in whole or part, or require the Project to be terminated with immediate effect in the following circumstances: if The Provider fails to keep to this contract in any way; if the application form was completed dishonestly or the supporting documents gave false or misleading information; if The Provider does not follow equal opportunities practice when employing people and providing The Providers services; if any member of The Provider, member of staff, or volunteer acts dishonestly or negligently in his or her work for The Provider at any time during the project; the Project is provided in a way which is dangerous or potentially damaging to the health of a service user if The Provider fails to complete the project within the proposed school holiday period. The may use any of the information in the application or associated documents for any of its statutory functions, including the prevention or detection of fraud. The may disclose any of the information in the application or associated documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. These terms and conditions shall apply until The Provider has spent all the funding and until the has received and approved The Providers end of funding report. If the Provider has bought any equipment or assets with the grant, these terms and conditions shall apply until the normal working life of the assets ends. A person who is not a party to this Agreement may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third ) Act 1999, but this shall not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act. This Agreement is made under English Law This agreement shall be read with and where necessary have precedence over: The HAF Application Form The response to the HAF application form Any documents submitted with the HAF application form Special Conditions (specify) Name: (name of officer of the Provider) Position in Provider: (position of officer of Provider) Signed: (signature of officer of Provider) Date: (date)     XYZ[\]^_ W X Y f ' ( 2 > P Q Y X 6 > C F N O P Q Z ׾wh|fh95CJ\aJh|fhCJaJh|fhCJ]aJh|fhsCJaJh|fh6CJaJh|fhCJaJh|fh9CJaJh|fhl5CJ\aJh|fhlCJaJh|fh)YCJaJh:}CJaJh|fh ECJaJ.Z[\]^_ Y f 2 > P Q Z   O P ^gd,y9 & Fgdgd,y8gd& & Fgd&gdZ   O P X ~  &'STISTX]^aj?A⎃xmh|fhpWCJaJh|fh*\ CJaJh|fhsCJaJh|fhCJaJh|fh,y5CJ\aJh|fh*\ 5CJ\aJh|fhFCJaJh|fh9CJaJh|fh`ACJaJh|fh,yCJ\aJh|fh,yCJaJhNCJaJh|fh$CJaJ*P ~  &'STT^BCi8 & Fgd8 & Fgd 8 & F^gd8gd^gd,y9 & FgdABFNX2>Ya)1GOXBCGHO&gs !NOĹhihjCJ\aJ jhihjCJU\aJhihjCJaJhCJaJh:}CJaJh|fhuyCJaJh|fhsCJaJh|fhCJaJh|fh,yCJaJ=Oghi01IJK ?K()=I&=|}#PQ]ƺׯפh|fhCJaJh|fhCJaJh|fhuyCJaJhihNkICJaJhihjCJ\aJ jhihjCJU\aJhihjCJaJjhihjCJUaJhihj0JTCJ\aJ8iK )}$ !l!""#$ %U%n%%%% & FgdpW% & FgdW@ & FgdW8 & FgdW8 & Fgd8 & Fgd#$MNY~   " y !!!!@!c!i!j!k!l!!""""߾꠳ꔳ||h|fh5\aJh|fhCJ\aJh|fhwqCJ\aJh|fhwqCJaJhCJaJh|fhCJaJhihCJaJhihuyCJaJhihjCJaJhihCJaJh|fhCJaJh|fhuyCJaJ0""&#2#O#R#[#####$ %U%n%%%%%%%& &&&&'&A&I&K&l&t&v&|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&ѸhokjhokUh|fh6CJaJh|fhsCJaJh|fhwqCJaJh|fhCJaJh|fhpW5CJ\aJh|fhpWCJaJh|fh5\aJh|fh5\aJh|fhuy5\aJ1%%%%&K&v&&&&&&&&&&&&gdZ&gd9gd 9 ^gd%gdpW2&P :pok. 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