ࡱ>  vbjbjVV 2<<hhdl+.t1111u L-------F02*-UUU-11P.'!'!'!U11-'!U-'!'!n+-1! , -.0. -3'!3@-3-,UU'!UUUUU--'!UUU.UUUU3UUUUUUUUUh q:  Application for the reinstatement of a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you are completing this form by hand, please write legibly in block capitals using ink. Use additional sheets if necessary (marked with the number of the relevant question). You may wish to keep a copy of the completed form for your records.  Part 1 Applicant DetailsIf you are an individual, please fill in Section A. If the application is being made on behalf of an organisation (such as a company or partnership), please fill in Section B. Section A Individual applicant 1. Title: Mr  FORMCHECKBOX  Mrs  FORMCHECKBOX  Miss  FORMCHECKBOX  Ms  FORMCHECKBOX  Dr  FORMCHECKBOX  Other (please specify)  FORMTEXT      2. Surname:  FORMTEXT      Other name(s):  FORMTEXT      [Use the names given in the applicant s operating licence or, if the applicant does not hold an operating licence, as given in any application for an operating licence]3. Applicant s address ( FORMTEXT home or business  [delete as appropriate]):  FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT      4(a) The number of the applicant s operating licence (as set out in the operating licence):  FORMTEXT       4(b) If the applicant does not hold an operating licence but is in the process of applying for one, give the date on which the application was made:  FORMTEXT      5. Tick the box if the application is being made by more than one person.  FORMCHECKBOX  [Where there are further applicants, the information required in questions 1 to 4 should be included on additional sheets attached to this form, and those sheets should be clearly marked Details of further applicants.] Section B Application on behalf of an organisation 6. Name of applicant business or organisation:  FORMTEXT       [Use the names given in the applicant s operating licence or, if the applicant does not hold an operating licence, as given in any application for an operating licence.]7. The applicant s registered or principal address:  FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT      8(a) The number of the applicant s operating licence (as given in the operating licence):  FORMTEXT      8(b) If the applicant does not hold an operating licence but is in the process of applying for one, give the date on which the application was made:  FORMTEXT      9. Tick the box if the application is being made by more than one organisation.  FORMCHECKBOX  [Where there are further applicants, the information required in questions 6 to 8 should be included on additional sheets attached to this form, and those sheets should be clearly marked  Details of further applicants .] Part 2  Premises Details10. Trading name used at premises:  FORMTEXT      11. Give the address of the premises or, if none, give a description of the premises and its location. Where the premises are a vessel, give the place indicated in the premises licence as the place in the licensing authoritys area where the vessel is wholly or partly situated. Where possible this should include an address with a postcode:  FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT      12. Telephone number at premises (if known):  FORMTEXT      13. Type of premises licence to be reinstated:Regional casino  FORMCHECKBOX Large casino  FORMCHECKBOX Small casino  FORMCHECKBOX Converted Casino  FORMCHECKBOX Bingo  FORMCHECKBOX Adult Gaming Centre  FORMCHECKBOX Betting (track)  FORMCHECKBOX Betting (other)  FORMCHECKBOX Family Entertainment Centre  FORMCHECKBOX  14. Premises licence number (if known):  FORMTEXT      15. If known, please give the name of the person who held the premises licence immediately before it lapsed:Surname:  FORMTEXT      Other name(s):  FORMTEXT       16. Please indicate as accurately as you can the date on which the premiUXz | ~ J L U V j k m z {   |jhUaJjThUaJjhUaJjlhUaJjhUaJjhUaJjhUaJ h5aJ hg5aJ hgaJ haJ h5 hg5hgh0VWX{ | } ~ ekd$$Ifl& t0644 la$If $$Ifa$ K L V k l $Iftkdw$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap l m    /ekd<$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifekd $$Ifl& t0644 la     , . B D F P R T r t $&:<>^`fջ۴ۤ՗մj'hUaJhgaJmHnHujhUaJh6CJaJ h6aJ hg6aJjhUaJj*hUaJ hgaJh haJjhgUaJmHnHujhUaJ.  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" """""""####"#$#ܾܱܤܗzjhUaJjhgUaJmHnHujhUaJjRhUaJjhUaJjjhUaJhjEhUaJ hgaJ haJjhUaJjhUaJ0] ^ tnnnn$Ifkd$$IflF &F t06    44 la "tn$Ifkd$$IflF &F t06    44 la""""&#+gkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifgkd$$IflT& t0644 la$#&#D#F#Z#\#^#h#j#n#p#$^(^*^>^@^B^L^N^P^T^^^^___``````````````4alanapaccccɵɵ~jh5U h5aJ hg56j"#hUaJj7"hUaJ h5 hg5j hUaJUhjhgUaJmHnHujhUaJjhUaJ hgaJ haJ1&#l#n#p#P^zkd$$Ifl|0&  t0644 la$Ifses licence lapsed:  FORMTEXT       Part 3  Details of application for reinstatement17. Please confirm by ticking the box that you are applying for the reinstatement to take effect on the date on which the application is granted.  FORMCHECKBOX  18. Please set out any other matters which you consider to be relevant to your application:  FORMTEXT       Part 4  Declarations and Checklist (Please tick as appropriate)I/ We confirm that, to the best of my/ our knowledge, the information contained in this application is true. I/ We understand that it is an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 to give information which is false or misleading in, or in relation to, this application. FORMCHECKBOX I/ We confirm that the applicant(s) have the right to occupy the premises.  FORMCHECKBOX Checklist:Payment of the appropriate fee has been made/is enclosed  FORMCHECKBOX A plan of the premises is enclosed  FORMCHECKBOX The existing premises licence is enclosed FORMCHECKBOX The existing premises licence is not enclosed, but the application is accompanied by  A statement explaining why it is not reasonably practicable to produce the licence and, FORMCHECKBOX An application under the Section 190 of the Gambling Act 2005 for the issue of a copy of the licence FORMCHECKBOX I/we understand that if the above requirements are not complied with the application may be rejected FORMCHECKBOX  Part 5  Signatures19. Signature of applicant or applicant s solicitor or other duly authorised agent. If signing on behalf of the applicant, please state in what capacity: Signature: Print Name: FORMTEXT      Date: FORMTEXT       (dd/mm/yyyy)Capacity: FORMTEXT       20. For joint applications, signature of 2nd applicant, or 2nd applicant s solicitor or other authorised agent. If signing on behalf of the applicant, please state in what capacity: Signature: Print Name: FORMTEXT      Date: FORMTEXT       (dd/mm/yyyy)Capacity: FORMTEXT       [Where there are more than two applicants, please use an additional sheet clearly marked  Signature(s) of further applicant(s) . The sheet should include all the information requested in paragraphs 19 and 20.] [Where the application is to be submitted in an electronic form, the signature should be generated electronically and should be a copy of the person s written signature.] Part 6  Contact Details21(a) Please give the name of a person who can be contacted about the application:  FORMTEXT      21(b) Please give one or more telephone numbers at which the person identified in question 21(a) can be contacted:  FORMTEXT      22. Postal address for correspondence associated with this application:  FORMTEXT      Postcode: FORMTEXT      23. If you are happy for correspondence in relation to your application to be sent via e-mail, please give the e-mail address to which you would like correspondence to be sent:  FORMTEXT           P^R^T^^$Ifgkd!$$Ifl& t0644 la^^``$Ifvkd!$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap `````-gkd#$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifekd"$$Ifl& t0644 la``napaccw $$Ifa$vkd$$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap $Ifcccccpdrdtddddddddd`ebedeeeeeeFfHfJfffhfjflfnfffffffffggggJhLhNhjhlhnhphrh:iiZiϵϨϛώj*h5UjP)h5UjE(h5Uj:'h5Uj%h5U hg5 haJ hgaJh h5jh5Uj$h5U7ccrddv $$Ifa$$Ifzkd!%$$Ifl0 !& t0644 laddd$Ifzkd,&$$Ifl0 !& t0644 laddbee $$Ifa$ & F $Ifekd&$$Ifl& t0644 laeeHflf{r $$Ifa$ & F $Ifzkd'$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lalfnfff{r $$Ifa$ & F $Ifzkd($$Ifl0 !& t0644 laffgg{r $$Ifa$ & F $Ifzkd)$$Ifl0 !& t0644 laggLhphne $$Ifa$ & F L$If^`Lzkd[*$$Ifl0 !& t0644 laphrhn@njBB' $d%d&d'dNOPQ) $d%d&d'dNOPQ ekdl2$$Ifl& t0644 la@nXnnnnnno{zkde3$$Ifl0& | t0644 la $Ifoooppr_UUUU $Ifkd 5$$Ifl\A& n4 t0644 laoppprrrJrLrNrrrr s sssssstttttt(t*t,t.tttttttttttttuuuu u"u$uvvvvӼɬӟɬӒɬӅɬj:hUaJj"9hUaJj18hUaJjhgUaJmHnHuj@7hUaJjhUaJ hgaJ hg5hhg6^JaJ haJ h6aJ hg6aJ4rrrrLr $Ifgkd6$$Ifl& t0644 laLrNrrs$Ifvkd6$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap sst,t.t+gkd8$$Ifln& t0644 la$Ifgkd7$$Ifl& t0644 la.tttt"u$u-ekd:$$Ifl& t0644 lagkd9$$Ifl& t0644 la$If$uvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgdekdv;$$Ifl& t0644 la $If$IfvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvhhZjhZUhgh h5aJjhgUaJmHnHujhUaJj;hUaJvvvvvvvvvvvvv /01h. 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