ࡱ>  bjbjVV M<<%55555dI-DF4tqP!"u#t)3+3+3+3+3+3+35\8*+35$!!$$+355P42%2%2%$R55)32%$)32%2%Rm-.(% a.340F4.f82%8<.85.0#" $2%#$7$###+3+32%###F4$$$$8######### : Application for a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 (vessel) PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you are completing this form by hand, please write legibly in block capitals using ink. Use additional sheets if necessary (marked with the number of the relevant question). You may wish to keep a copy of the completed form for your records. Applications in respect of premises which are not a vessel should be made on the relevant form for that type of premises. Part 1 Type of premises licence applied forRegional Casino  FORMCHECKBOX Large Casino  FORMCHECKBOX Small Casino  FORMCHECKBOX Bingo  FORMCHECKBOX Adult Gaming Centre  FORMCHECKBOX Family Entertainment Centre  FORMCHECKBOX Betting  FORMCHECKBOX  Do you hold a provisional statement in respect of the premises? Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  If the answer is yes, please give the unique reference number for the provisional statement (as set out at the top of the first page of the provisional statement):  FORMTEXT        Part 2  Applicant DetailsIf you are an individual, please fill in Section A. If the application is being made on behalf of an organisation (such as a company or partnership), please fill in Section B. Section A Individual applicant 1. Title: Mr  FORMCHECKBOX  Mrs  FORMCHECKBOX  Miss  FORMCHECKBOX  Ms  FORMCHECKBOX  Dr  FORMCHECKBOX  Other (please specify)  FORMTEXT      2. Surname:  FORMTEXT      Other name(s):  FORMTEXT      [Use the names given in the applicant s operating licence or, if the applicant does not hold an operating licence, as given in any application for an operating licence]3. Applicant s address ( FORMTEXT home or business  [delete as appropriate]):  FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT      4(a) The number of the applicant s operating licence (as set out in the operating licence):  FORMTEXT       4(b) If the applicant does not hold an operating licence but is in the process of applying for one, give the date on which the application was made:  FORMTEXT      5. Tick the box if the application is being made by more than one person.  FORMCHECKBOX  [Where there are further applicants, the information required in questions 1 to 4 should be included on additional sheets attached to this form, and those sheets should be clearly marked Details of further applicants.] Section B Applicant on behalf of an organisation 6. Name of applicant business or organisation:  FORMTEXT       [Use the names given in the applicant s operating licence or, if the applicant does not hold an operating licence, as given in any application for an operating licence]7. The applicant s registered or principal address:  FORMTEXT      Postcode:  FORMTEXT      8(a) The number of the applicant s operating licence (as given in the operating licence):  FORMTEXT       8(b) If the applicant does not hold an operating licence but is in the process of applying for one, give the date the application was made:  FORMTEXT      9. Tick the box if application is being made by more than one organisation.  FORMCHECKBOX  [Where there are further applicants, the information required in questions 6 to 8 should be included on additional sheets attached to this form, and those sheets should be clearly marked  Details of further applicants .] Part 3  Premises Details10. Name of vessel to be licensed:  FORMTEXT       11. Country in which vessel is registered:  FORMTEXT       12(a) Give the place in the licensing authority s area at which the vessel is or will be situated or moored (Give an address with postcode if available):  FORMTEXT      12(b) Please confirm by ticking the appropriate box whether the place stated in question 12(a) is:(i) a fixed place in or on water at which the vessel is situated; or  FORMCHECKBOX (ii) a place at which the vessel is permanently moored; or  FORMCHECKBOX (iii) a place at which the vessel is habitually moored; or  FORMCHECKBOX (iv) in any other case, a place at which the vessel is moored or is likely to be moored or a place in the United Kingdom nearest to any place at which a vessel is, or is likely to be while activities are carried on in the vessel in reliance on the premises licence. FORMCHECKBOX 13. If you have ticked box (iii) or (iv) in your answer to question 12(b), please indicate the number of days or months in a year when you expect the vessel to be moored at the place stated in question 12(a):  FORMTEXT      14. If you have ticked box (iii) or (iv) in your answer to question 12(b), please describe the other places where, and/or any other circumstances in which, the vessel will be used in reliance on the premises licence:  FORMTEXT      15. Please give a brief description of the vessel. Please describe the location of your premises within the vessel and indicate the uses of the other parts of the vessel:  FORMTEXT       Part 4  Times of operation16(a) Do you want the licensing authority to exclude a default condition so that the premises may be used for longer periods than would otherwise be the case?  FORMTEXT Yes/No [delete as appropriate] [Where the relevant kind of premises licence is not subject to any default conditions, the answer to this question will be no.] 16(b) If the answer to question 16(a) is yes, please complete the table below to indicate the times when you want the premises to be available for use under the premises licence. StartFinishDetails of any seasonal variationMon FORMTEXT       hh:mm FORMTEXT       hh:mm FORMTEXT      Tue FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Wed FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Thurs FORMTEXT       FORMTE"Ivw    ( ) 7 8 9 : A G H V W X Y ` f g u v w x ̼tdjh}7h\UaJjh}7h\UaJ haJjh}7h\UaJjh}7h\UaJh}7h&taJhShKwhS5hKwhKw5h7IfhS5h7Ifh7If5hLhF9Ahw43aJ hfuaJh}7hw43aJhw43hw435hhw43'HIvwl m  {r $Ifgd7Ifhkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytqJ $Ifgdw43 $$Ifa$gdw43gdw43   : Y x ~~~ $Ifgd2wkd}$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap yt7Ifx y qhhh $Ifgd,*Wkdu$$IflFQ &wr t06    44 layti5x y     D E I J X 槑槍}wm^mjh4h\5UaJh4h45aJ h4aJhA hA 5aJ hA aJhVjh}7h\UaJ hA,aJh}7hVaJjh}7h\UaJjh}7h\UaJ haJjh}7h\UaJjh}7h\UaJh}7h&taJh&t$   qh__ $Ifgd,*W $IfgdVkdn$$IflFQ &wr t06    44 layti5   r X Z qhhhh $IfgdA kd$$IflFQ &wr t06    44 layti5X Y Z ` a o p q r 0 2 F H J T V X Z ^ ߹vrmd`WQWJ h|5aJ hmwaJh}7hzXaJhh}7haJ hZe5hA hrhhA 6CJaJhA hA 5aJjhA UaJmHnHujh\UaJjh\UaJ hA aJh4hA 5aJ"jh4h\5UaJh4h45aJjh4h\5UaJ"j(h4h\5UaJZ \ ^ $Ifgd,*Whkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytA  8:~~~~~ $Ifgd~Awkd$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap yt 68:<BVXtvx"$&TVXlαΡΑ΁qka[ hjaJjh\UaJ h&aJj h}7h\UaJjv h}7h\UaJj h}7h\UaJj h}7h\UaJj h}7h\UaJjh}7h\UaJh}7h!)aJh}7h}7aJhzX hw43h~Ah|h~A5aJh|hzX5aJ#:<~&hkd $$Ifl& t0644 laytqJ $Ifgd}7hkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytqJlnpz|~  Z\^`bd¾踫踕ϑ}soc_Y hqJaJhNh|hN6CJaJhIQhjhIQ6aJhjhW6aJhjhj6aJh}7j@ h\UaJh}7h.aJj h\UaJ hjaJhN`h}7hN`aJh!)h}7h}7aJjhjUaJmHnHujh\UaJj^ h\UaJ!  $Ifgd.hkdO $$Ifl& t0644 laytqJ  ^y $Ifgd}7}kd $$Ifl|0&  t0644 laytN`^`bd&hkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytqJ $Ifgd}7hkdK$$Ifl& t0644 laytqJ   "$.024HJ^`blnpr񶬦{wqqdTqPhwYjhwYUaJmHnHujh\UaJ hwYaJhqJhqJhJaJmHnHujh';2UaJmHnHujh\UaJ h';2aJjh\UaJ hqJaJh^h^6aJh^h^aJmHnHujEh^h\UaJjh^h\UaJh^h^aJ haJd 24pjkdO$$Ifl& t0644 laytwY $IfgdwYprtv&hkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytwY $IfgdwYhkdD$$Ifl& t0644 laytwYrtv*.02FHJTVZ\^`hFHJLhjlnɼϬߦϓvpgppZpjh\UaJh D1hrhaJ hrhaJjhHVUaJmHnHuj%h\UaJ hHVaJhqh=hJbaJ hyaJjhUaJmHnHuj>h\UaJ haJjh\UaJ h3GaJ hj=BaJhndhnd^JaJ hqaJh haJ#v0^`hkd$$Ifl& t0644 layt $Ifgdqnpb $Ifgdq $Ifgdrhjkd$$IflS& t0644 layt]Z npr  ^`bd௼~tjf]W h';2aJh LrhrhaJhrhhhrh6aJhh6aJhh(K6^JaJhh6^JaJh(K6CJaJjhrhUaJmHnHujh\UaJjh\UaJh=hrhaJh|hrh5aJ hrh5aJ hrhaJhjhrh6aJhjhj6aJ hndaJbd$jkd$$Ifl& t0644 layt0 $Ifgdrhhkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytrh   "$.024> ,.BDFPRTVȻ袞Ҙ蘋{rҘe{\h LrhrhaJjLh\UaJh Lrhp yaJjhp yUaJmHnHuj[h\UaJ hp yaJh0h Lrh0aJjh0UaJmHnHujjh\UaJ h0aJhrh hrhaJjh';2UaJmHnHujh\UaJjuh\UaJ$24hkd$$Ifl& t0644 layt0 $IfgdrhTV$jkd$$IflS& t0644 layta$ $Ifgdrhhkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytrhV|   &NRThjlvxz|~xhᅗd^ h3aJh-}jh-}UaJmHnHujh\UaJ h-}aJ h%aJ h aJhGh-}aJhf hfaJ hf5 hf5hLhAG'hhh6aJhh6aJjAh\UaJjh\UaJ haJ h7@aJhyhaJ$V  $Ifgdqhkd$$Ifl& t0644 laytrh $Ifgd  z||s $Ifgdq $Ifgd-}ykd2$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap ytf|~ $Ifgd&8pkdH$$Ifl& t0644 lap ytG !0!4!6!8!L!N!P!Z!\!^!`!"""""""""""#㥘㫄{ricVcRrh>jjh\UaJ h>aJh.Vh>aJh.Vh.VaJh)h&8aJh&8jh';2UaJmHnHujh\UaJ h';2aJ h&8aJ h%aJh?Zh&8aJhGh)h-}aJ h)aJjh73nUaJmHnHujh\UaJjh\UaJ h73naJ  6!^!| $Ifgdq $Ifgd&8pkdL$$Ifl& t0644 lap ytG^!`!" $IfgdqpkdN$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt4""""y $$Ifa$gd.V $Ifgdqpkd$$Ifl& t0644 lap ytG""##vma $$Ifa$gd.V $Ifgdqkd$$Ifl0!&W1 t0644 lapyt.V################$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%%& & &&ǺǶ֌yyl\yjh;UaJmHnHuj#h\UaJ h;aJh,Wh;aJh%h,Wh%aJj!h\UaJh%h%^JaJh.Vh.VaJhHj h\UaJ hHaJh.VhHaJh>jh\UaJ h>aJjh\UaJh.Vh>aJ#####vma $$Ifa$gd.V $Ifgdqkd $$Ifl0!&W1 t0644 lapyt.V##$$vma $$Ifa$gd.V $Ifgd.Vkd.!$$Ifl0!&W1 t0644 lapyt.V$$$vm $Ifgd;kdV"$$Ifl0!&W1 t0644 lapyt.V$$%& $Ifgd;pkd #$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt%&&''| $Ifgd; $Ifgd-pkd$$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt;&&&&'''''''''''B)D)F)Z)\)^)h)j)l)n)r)t)v)))ݷݐsjfb^ZULhZ hZ aJ hZ 5hyh2&jhjh,Wh!{h }aJjh';2UaJmHnHuj%h\UaJ h';2aJh%h!{aJh%h%^JaJh!{h!{aJh-h,Wh-aJjh-UaJmHnHuj$h\UaJjh\UaJ h-aJ hhaJhf;h-aJh;''D)l) $Ifgd,Wpkd%$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt;l)n)p)t)v))cZ $IfgdZ ($d%d&d'dNOPQgdypkd&$$Ifl & t0644 lap yt-))*&+'+++|sjaa $Ifgd,W $Ifgdy $Ifgdy $IfgdZ ykd&$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap ytZ ))v*w*x*y**********&+'++++++,,",$,8,:,<,ݿ繭磄{qmd^Qj)h\UaJ hjaJh`l2hN aJhd%hd%hd%6aJh`l2hd%aJh(h`l2h(aJ#h7,h(6CJOJQJ^JaJhZ h(6aJhAG'h(6^JaJ hl!aJhYtaJmHnHujR'h\UaJ hYtaJjh\UaJ h(aJ hsaJhZ h(aJhZ +++++, $Ifgd,Wpkd'$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt(,,",V,,,F==4= $IfgdN  $Ifgd,Wkdb($$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2w<,F,H,J,T,V,X,l,n,p,z,|,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- - --Ÿ欟ˋu欂hj,h\UaJj,,h\UaJh`l2h,xaJhN jh,xUaJmHnHuj*h\UaJ h,xaJ haJj *h\UaJ hjaJh`l2hN aJhN hN 6CJaJ hN aJjh\UaJjhjUaJmHnHu&,,,,-6-F==4.$If $IfgdN  $Ifgd,Wkd*$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2w--$-&-(-2-4-8-@-B-V-X-Z-d-f-h-j-l--------------------¹yi¹\jX1h\UaJj/hFPh\UaJj8/h\UaJ h,xaJjhjUaJmHnHuj.h\UaJ hjaJjh\UaJh`l2h,xaJh,x$jhFPh,xUaJmHnHuj-hFPh\UaJhFPh,xaJjhFPh\UaJ$6-8-@-j---F==4.$If $IfgdN  $Ifgd,Wkd-$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2w----@F==4.$If $IfgdN  $Ifgd,Wkd$0$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2w----. .02<>BJL`bdnprt캱}p캱`j4hFPh\UaJjd4h\UaJj3h\UaJh,x$jhFPh,xUaJmHnHujD2hFPh\UaJhFPh,xaJjhFPh\UaJjhjUaJmHnHuj1h\UaJU hjaJh`l2h,xaJjh\UaJ%XT       FORMTEXT      Fri FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Sat FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Sun FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      17. If you wish to apply for a premises licence with a condition restricting gambling to specific periods in a year, please state the periods below using calendar dates:  FORMTEXT       Part 5  Miscellaneous18 Proposed commencement date for licence (leave blank if you want the licence to commence as soon as it is issued):  FORMTEXT       (dd/mm/yyyy)19(a) Do you hold any other premises licences that have been issued by this licensing authority?  FORMTEXT Yes/No [delete as appropriate]19(b) If the answer question 19(a) is yes, please provide full details:  FORMTEXT       20 Please set out any other matters which you consider to be relevant to your application:  FORMTEXT        Part 6  Declarations and Checklist (Please tick)I/ We confirm that, to the best of my/ our knowledge, the information contained in this application is true. I/ We understand that it is an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 to give information which is false or misleading in, or in relation to, this application. FORMCHECKBOX I/ We confirm that the applicant(s) have the right to occupy the premises. FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist:Payment of the appropriate fee has been made/is enclosed  FORMCHECKBOX A plan of the premises is enclosed  FORMCHECKBOX I/ we understand that if the above requirements are not complied with the application may be rejected FORMCHECKBOX I/ we understand that it is now necessary to advertise the application and give the appropriate notice to the responsible authorities  FORMCHECKBOX  Part 7  Signatures21. Signature of applicant or applicant s solicitor or other duly authorised agent. If signing on behalf of the applicant, please state in what capacity: Signature: Print Name: FORMTEXT      Date: FORMTEXT       (dd/mm/yyyy)Capacity: FORMTEXT       22. For joint applications, signature of 2nd applicant, or 2nd applicant s solicitor or other authorised agent. If signing on behalf of the applicant, please state in what capacity: Signature: Print Name: FORMTEXT      Date: FORMTEXT       (dd/mm/yyyy)Capacity: FORMTEXT       [Where there are more than two applicants, please use an additional sheet clearly marked  Signature(s) of further applicant(s) . The sheet should include all the information requested in paragraphs 21 and 22.] [Where the application is to be submitted in an electronic form, the signature should be generated electronically and should be a copy of the person s written signature.]  Part 8  Contact Details23(a) Please give the name of a person who can be contacted about the application:  FORMTEXT      23(b) Please give one or more telephone numbers at which the person identified in question 23(a) can be contacted:  FORMTEXT      24. Postal address for correspondence associated with this application:  FORMTEXT      Postcode: FORMTEXT      25. If you are happy for correspondence in relation to your application to be sent via e-mail, please give the e-mail address to which you would like correspondence to be sent:  FORMTEXT           @BJrœF==4.$If $IfgdN  $Ifgd,Wkd2$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2wĜ̜Μ 246@BFNPdfhrtvxöɦÙɦzm]jhfcqUaJmHnHuj9h\UaJ hfcqaJjp7hFPh\UaJhFPh,xaJj6h\UaJjhjUaJmHnHuj6h\UaJ hjaJjh\UaJh`l2h,xaJh,xjhFPh\UaJ$jhFPh,xUaJmHnHu"œĜ̜DF==4.$If $IfgdN  $Ifgd,WkdP5$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2wDFNvƝF==4.$If $IfgdN  $Ifgd,Wkd7$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2wxĝȝ246@BDFHʽyssfVMIEhLh%hFPh%aJjh%UaJmHnHuj;h\UaJ h%aJhf;h%aJh%h%^JaJh,x$jhFPh,xUaJmHnHuj:hFPh\UaJhFPh,xaJjhFPh\UaJh`l2h,xaJjh73nUaJmHnHujh\UaJj9h\UaJ h73naJƝȝDF== $Ifgd%kd|:$$Ifl\18 A&W  t0644 lap(yt2wDFHv $Ifgd,Wpkd&<$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt%Hprtvx|Ο\`bdxz|npr¼Ÿݙ|vi^X h[N9aJhYtaJmHnHujf>h\UaJ hYtaJ h2&jaJhTh7$hTaJh77`h77`6aJ hjaJjh73nUaJmHnHujb=h\UaJ h73naJjh\UaJ hTaJh%h%^JaJ h77`aJ h%aJhWjhTh$-5 hua05 hWj5vxb|s $Ifgd2&j $IfgdTykd<$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap ytTp̡| $IfgdT $Ifgd2&jpkd=$$IflS& t0644 lap yt7$ʡ̡Ρ ^`tvx@BVXZdflprz|~ƣʣӶݟӶݰݰyulch2_h*| aJh2_h2_aJh7o h7oaJhw hA56 hA5 h7o5hfhBhA jn@h\UaJh77` h-}aJjhA UaJmHnHujj?h\UaJjh\UaJ hA aJ h%aJh2&j h77`aJhAG'h[N96^JaJ%̡Ρ $Ifgd2&jpkd>$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt77`hjlnprtvxz $Ifgd2&jpkd?$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt~ z| $IfgdTpkd@$$Ifl~& t0644 lap ytA <|p $$Ifa$gd{ $IfgdTykdrA$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap yt7o68:<>@BDhئڦܦʧ̧ΧШҨԨ֨بſ|sfbh{jFh\5Uh?h{aJjEh\5U h{5h?h*| aJh?h?aJhBh*| aJh~HfjCh\5U h~Hf5 h~HfaJh2_h~HfaJh h5h2_haJh*| jBh\5U h*| 5jh\5U&<>@Bvma $$Ifa$gd{ $IfgdTkdB$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{BDڦvma $$Ifa$gd{ $IfgdTkd:C$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{vmm $IfgdTkdbD$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{̧u $$Ifa$gd{ & F $Ifgd?pkdE$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt*| ֨vi] $$Ifa$gd{ & F $Ifgd?kdF$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{֨بȩvi] $$Ifa$gd{ & F $Ifgd?kd@G$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{©ĩƩȩʩDFHdfhjlnʬ̬ά ׷|xtnh^X hvaJjh\UaJ h'aJ hdLaJh%hA]hdLhhhA]aJ hA]aJ hQaJ haJhhaJ h,`vaJhh e hh e5hLjIh\5U h7aJh?h?aJh{jGh\5U h{5jh\5Uh?h{aJ"ȩʩFjvi] $$Ifa$gd{ & F $Ifgd?kdhH$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{jlnvtg $Ifgdh ekdI$$Ifl0 !& t0644 lapyt{̬άxxx $Ifgdh eykdDJ$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap yth e0eeee\OO $Ifgdh e gdh e($d%d&d'dNOPQgdA]pkdJ$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt ",.02>@TVXbdfl­ĭƭʭ04Żyylyhb\Sbh"Eh"EaJ h,`vaJ h"EaJh[3j(Mh\UaJhh[3aJhBhv6aJ hBaJ hvaJjh73n0JUmHnHujLh\0JU h73n0Jjh\0JU h[3aJh'hh'aJjhvUaJmHnHujh\UaJjrKh\UaJ02>­viiii $Ifgdh ekdK$$Ifl0& | t0644 lapytA]­ĭƭ24JF9999 $Ifgdh ekdM$$Ifl\A& n4 t0644 lap(yt"4HJLNTVnpȯʯ̯ү$&ɼϬϣٙvpf٣YϬj0Qh\UaJhBhv6aJ hBaJjh73n0JUmHnHujPh\0JU h73n0Jjh\0JUhh"EaJjhvUaJmHnHujzOh\UaJ hvaJjh\UaJ h"EaJ hdLaJh%hdLh"Eh"Eh%aJ h%aJ"JLNPRTVneeee\OO $Ifgdh e gdh e($d%d&d'dNOPQgd%pkdN$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt"E(viiii $Ifgdh ekdO$$Ifl0& | t0644 lapyt"E&(*,.αбұԱֱ&(*,.24@Fdfhjl$&(24ɹɰ|rl_rOrjh]TUaJmHnHujTh\UaJ h]TaJjh\UaJ h,`vaJhBhiaJhHA hHAaJ hD5 hHA5 hY*|5h-}hWhQhhGaJh,`vh,`v6CJOJQJ^J#hKckh,`v6CJOJQJ^JaJ#hKckhKck6CJOJQJ^JaJ hQaJh"Ehh"EaJ(*,ұԱ*F9000 $Ifgd,`v $Ifgdh ekdQ$$Ifl\A& n4 t0644 lap(yt*,.04fpkdR$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt $Ifgdh efh6|s $Ifgdf $IfgdBykdtS$$Ifl&  t 0644 lap ytHA468:< 468BDFHJLԵصڵ*,.8:<>@BԱԨΗԱΤΊԱԁynj Xh\Ujh\UhhfaJj Wh\UaJjVh\UaJhfh`_+hfaJjhfUaJmHnHujUh\UaJ hfaJjh\UaJ hL,aJ h,`vaJhBhfaJhihfhiaJ+68F $IfgdfpkdT$$Ifln& t0644 lap yt|,FHص $IfgdfpkdU$$Ifl& t0644 lap ytf< $IfgdfpkdV$$Ifl& t0644 lap yt(T<>ȷz $Ifgdf $IfgdfnkdW$$Ifl& t0644 lap ytfķƷȷʷ̷ηҷԷطڷ޷h o h3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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