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Where there is more than one applicant who holds an operating licence, give all operating licence numbers.]The premises to which the application relates are: [Give the address of the premises as set out in the premises licence. If the premises have no address, include the description of the premises and their location as set out in the premises licence]The premises licence number is: The name of the person(s) from the whom the licence is transferred is/are: The transfer takes effect from: [Give the date when the transfer will take effect] In granting the application, the licensing authority have attached the conditions set out in Annex A to this Notice. [Set out the conditions and the reasons for imposing them in an annex in the appropriate form. Where no conditions are attached, omit this paragraph and the relevant annex.] In granting the application, the licensing authority have excluded the conditions set out in Annex B to this Notice. [Set out the conditions to be excluded, and the reasons for excluding them, in an annex in the appropriate form. Where no conditions are excluded, leave out this paragraph and the relevant annex.] The licensing authority [delete as appropriate] receive representations in relation to the application. The representations received in relation to the application, together with the licensing authoritys response, are set out in Annex C to this Notice. [Set out the representations by the licensing authority, together with the authoritys response to them, in an annex in the appropriate form. Where no representations were received, leave out this paragraph and the relevant annex.] An appeal may be brought against the grant of the application, or the imposition or exclusion of the conditions referred to above by either the applicant, or any person who made representations in relation to the application. An appeal must be instituted: in the magistrates court for a local justice area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated; by notice of appeal given to the designated officer; within 21 days beginning with the date of receipt of this notice of grant        ]^_`a # % R S T c d e , - . / 0 1 \ a ᷯzslsdd[l[ddd[h>6^JaJh>^JaJ h>6^J h>6aJh>6CJOJQJ^JaJh>CJOJQJ^JaJ h>aJ h>5aJh>5OJQJ^Jh>CJaJh> h>]^JaJmHnHsH u(jh>U]^JaJmH sH h>]^JaJmH sH "jh>U]^JaJmH sH #_`a # $ % S sm$Ifgkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$If$If $$Ifa$$If$a$ S T c d $Ifgkd$$Ifl& t0644 la )gkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifgkd$$Ifl& t0644 la . / 'gkd$$Ifl& t0644 laikd$$Ifl& t0644 la$If/ 0 1 [ \ a gkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifa b c d )gkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifgkd~$$Ifl& t0644 laa b c d _ ` a b c + , 0 QRTstuvwyz|}δδδδδδ򰨰hjh>Uh>h>6CJOJQJ^JaJh>6OJQJ^Jh>CJOJQJ^JaJ h>6^Jh>6^JaJ h>^Jh>^JaJ h>aJ: ` a 'gkd$$Ifl& t0644 laikdv$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifa b c )gkd$$Ifl& t0644 lagkdr$$Ifl& t0644 la$If $Ifgkdj$$Ifl& t0644 la$If )gkdb$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifgkd$$Ifl& t0644 la , $Ifgkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$If, - . / TU  $IfgkdZ $$Ifl& t0644 la)stuvxy{|~geeeeee%$d%d&d'dNOPQgkd $$Ifl&~& t0644 la  & F$If ~2 001h. 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