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Where an application for an operating licence is in the process of being made, indicate the date on which the application was made.]has applied for the transfer to them of a premises licence of the following type:  FORMTEXT       [Specify the type of premises licence to which the application relates]The application relates to the following licensed premises:  FORMTEXT      [Give the trading name used at the premises, and the address of the premises (or, if none, give a description of the premises and their location).] The application has been made to the following licensing authority:  FORMTEXT      Postcode  FORMTEXT      Website  FORMTEXT      [Insert name of the licensing authority and the hjl4 6 8 : r t v x    ½ƳʉzrzfrWfjTh~|0U^JaJjh~|0U^JaJhwn^JaJh~|0^JaJ h~|06aJ hwn6^JjhwnUaJmHnHujh~|0UaJ hwnaJjh~|0UaJ h~|06hwnh~|0 h~|0aJh~|056aJhwn56aJ h~|05aJh~|05OJQJ^Jhwn5OJQJ^Jjl6 8 : t gkd$$Iflz& t0644 la$If $$Ifa$$Ift v /ekdf$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifekd{$$Ifl& t0644 la & ( -gkd$$Ifl& t0644 laekd$$Ifl& t0644 la$If " $ & ( 8 : < P R T ^ ` b d       d f h | ~ ɿв֒ցrցcjh~|0U^JaJjh~|0U^JaJhwn^JaJh~|06^JaJhwn6^JaJ h~|06aJjhwnUaJmHnHuj9h~|0UaJjh~|0UaJ hwn6aJ hwnaJh~|0h~|0^JaJjh~|0U^JaJ"jhwnU^JaJmHnHu&( b d /ekd&$$Ifl& t0644 laekd$$Ifl& t0644 la$If   f /ekd$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifekd$$Ifl& t0644 laf -gkd$$IflU& t0644 laekdi$$Ifl& t0644 la$If &'(23  246@BDFHlnprtxڱکҩ҈ڱکҠzkj h~|0U^JaJh~|0CJOJQJ^JaJj h~|0U^JaJh~|06^JaJhwn6^JaJh~|0^JaJ"jhwnU^JaJmHnHujQh~|0U^JaJhwn^JaJjh~|0U^JaJ hwn^J h~|0^J h~|06 hwn6h~|0*'+gkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifgkd[$$IflU& t0644 la'-ekd6 $$Ifl& t0644 lagkd$$Ifl& t0644 la$IfDFnp-ekd $$Ifl& t0644 lagkd $$Ifl& t0644 la$Ifprtvx($Ifekd $$Ifl& t0644 la$If$&(*:<>RTV`bdfvx4444444445 5 55555ȾϱϾώՉ~վqՉj h~|06aJj1h~|0UaJhwn h~|06U hwn6jJ h~|0UaJ h~|0aJjhwnUaJmHnHuje h~|0UaJjh~|0UaJ hwn6aJ hwnaJh~|0h~|0^JaJ"jhwnU^JaJmHnHujh~|0U^JaJ)(*df+gkd $$Ifl]&~& t0644 la$Ifgkd $$Iflt&~& t0644 la444+gkd;$$Ifl&~& t0644 la$Ifgkd $$IflZ&~& t0644 laaddress of its principal office, followed by the address of its website]The current licence holder(s) is/ are:  FORMTEXT      [Give the full name of the licence holder(s) as set out in the premises licence (if known).]The number of the premises licence (if known):  FORMTEXT      [Insert here the reference number of the premises licence as given in the licence itself.]Information about the application is available from the licensing authority, including the arrangements for viewing the details of the application.The following person connected with the applicant is able to give further information about the application:  FORMTEXT      [This entry is optional and is to be included if the applicant wishes to provide the name, telephone number and (if available) e-mail address of a person connected with the applicant who is able to answer questions and provide further information about the application.] Any representations under section 161 of the Gambling Act 2005 must be made no later than the following date:  FORMTEXT      [Please insert last day on which representations may be made in relation to the application. The period for making representations is 28 days (inclusive) starting with the day on which the application was made to the licensing authority.]     44455+gkd$$Ifl&~& t0644 la$Ifgkd$$Iflw&~& t0644 la55555+gkd$$Iflg&~& t0644 lagkd$$Iflk&~& t0644 la$If5,6.606D6F6H6R6T6X6 77768:8999*9,9.989:9>9Z;^;`;:<<<><R<T<V<`<b<d<f<B>D>F>H>J>L>P>R>V>X>\>^>b>d>f>h>h]h2jh2Uh~|0^JaJjGh~|0UaJ h~|05 hwn5jh~|0UaJ h~|06 hwn6jhwnUaJmHnHuj h~|0UaJ hwnaJjh~|0UaJh~|0hwn45.6V6X67gkdv$$Ifly&~& t0644 la$If7788:89+gkdl$$Iflq&~& t0644 la$Ifgkd$$Ifl&~& t0644 la9<9>9\;^;gkdQ$$Ifl&~& t0644 la$If^;`;<<d<f<+gkd$$Ifl&~& t0644 la$Ifgkd$$Ifl&~& t0644 laf<D>F>H>J>N>P>T>V>Z>\>`>b>ljjjjjjjjj%$d%d&d'dNOPQgkd,$$Ifl2&~& t0644 la$If b>d>f>h>j>l>n>p>r>t>v>x>z>|>~>h>j>l>n>p>r>t>v>x>|>~>hwnh]h2 / 01h. A!n"n#n$n% 5 01h:p~|0. 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