ࡱ> CEB bjbjVV *.<<Fpp''';;;8s <;*',,,4LLL,R'L,LL"Lc\;Lx0LRL'L,>1,L]$4,,,,p y:   APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF LICENCE FOR A SEX ESTABLISHMENT is responsible for protecting the public funds it administers. To do this we may use the information you give us on this form or that is held about you to detect and prevent crime or fraud. We may also share this information with other bodies that audit and administer public funds. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, is the Data Controller (the holder, user and processor) of the information. We will keep all information safe and secure. If you would like to know more about what information we hold about you, or the way we use your information please contact the Licensing Team on 0191 4247949 or if you wish to make a subject access request then please write to the Records Management Team at the following address: Records Management Team, Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear. NE33 2RL If the application is made on behalf of an individual please state: Full name Permanent Address: . .. .. Post Code: .. Tel. No. Date of Birth .. Place of Birth .. If application is made on behalf of a corporate or unincorporated body please state: Full name of body: .. Address of registered or principal office: . .. .. Post Code: Tel. No. .. Give full names and private addresses of all directors or other persons responsible for management of the establishment. Full name: Permanent Address: .. . Date of Birth: .. Place of Birth: . Full name: Permanent Address: .. . Date of Birth: .. Place of Birth: . Full name: Permanent Address: .. . Date of Birth: .. Place of Birth: . Full name: Permanent Address: .. . Date of Birth: .. Place of Birth: . Full name: Permanent Address: .. . Date of Birth: .. Place of Birth: . Have you any convictions recorded against you? Or if a body corporate or unincorporated body that body or any of its directors or other persons responsible for its management? If so please state: Name Date of Conviction Offence Sentence Note: All convictions must be disclosed Spent convictions, as defined overleaf, need not be included Sentence Becomes spent after Imprisonment for more than 30 months Never becomes spent Imprisonment of between 6 months and 30 months 10 years Imprisonment of 6 months or less 7 years Borstal training 7 years A fine or other sentence not otherwise covered 5 years Probation Order, conditional discharge or bind over 5 years Detention centre order 3 years Absolute discharge 6 months Hospital Order under the Mental Health Act The period of the Order plus 2years Remand Home, Attendance Centre or Approved The period of the Order plus School Order 1 year Cashiering, discharge with ignominy or dismissal 10 years With disgrace from the Armed Forces Dismissal from the Armed Forces 7 years Detention 5 years Have you been resident in the United Kingdom throughout a period YES/NO of six months immediately preceding the date of this application? If the application is made on behalf of a body corporate is that body YES/NO incorporated in the United Kingdom? Full address of premises desired to be used as a sex establishment: .. .. During which hours do you wish to trade? .. On which days do you wish to trade? .. Are the premises to be used as a sex shop? YES/NO Are the premises to be used as a sex cinema? YES/NO Are you (or, if a corporate or unincorporated body, that body) disqualified YES/NO from holding a licence for a sex establishment? Have you ever been refused a licence for a sex establishment? YES/NO I declare that I have checked the information given on this application form and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is correct. Signed: Date:     Sex Establishment Application Introduced 5/02 B *eiǨѠ蘜h>lh]jh]Uh556CJOJQJ\]h5OJQJ h55\h5CJOJQJh55CJOJQJ\h5OJQJ^Jh5jh5Uh5mHnHsH u%ABt u 8 9  / 0 c d 4 5 6 $a$ $ 9r a$6 ,-UV <=op9:ab+,kl56de*+,-./0123\@x=b 9r 'B}<~ABjk   9r  9r ^` 46Sefghi 9r  9r (. 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