JSNAA: Joint Strategic Needs and Asset Assessment

Other public health resources and data

Other public health resources and data, in addition to the JSNAA


South Tyneside Data Observatory


Population statistics

Access projected population figures by age and sex.

Local health

Small area population level data.


PHE data and analysis tools

Comprehensive list of resources created by Public Health England that cover a wide range of public health areas, including:

  • specific health conditions - such as cancer, mental health, cardiovascular disease
  • lifestyle risk factors - such as smoking, alcohol and obesity
  • wider determinants of health - such as environment, housing and deprivation
  • health protection, and differences between population groups, including adults, older people, and children


Public health guidance - NICE

Evidence-based information for health, public health and social care professionals


Public Health Outcomes Framework

The Public Health Outcomes Framework  sets out a vision for public health, desired outcomes and the indicators that will help us understand how well public health is being improved and protected.

Data are published as part of a quarterly update cycle in August, November, February and May


Public Health Profiles (fingertips)

These profiles are a rich source of indicators across a range of health and wellbeing themes that has been designed to support JSNA and commissioning to improve health and wellbeing, and reduce inequalities.

  • Browse indicators at different geographical levels
  • Benchmark against the regional or England average
  • Export data to use locally


SHAPE - Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation

Requires registration. Only accessible to NHS and Local Authority staff.

Links national datasets for clinical analysis, public health, primary care and demographic data with estates performance and facilities location.


Intelligence updates

See the monthly intelligence updates, which covers some of the data releases that have been published in the relevant month.

View the Intelligence updates

Our South Tyneside report

The Our South Tyneside report provides a summary of data regarding adult health and wellbeing in our borough.

For more information see, Our South Tyneside report (2023).